May 01, 2008 12:55
1.) Where were you when the ball dropped for 2008? Obriens.
2.) How did you get the idea for your LJ name? Adriana
3) What are you listening to right now? People typing. (im in a school computer lab)
7.) What did you do this morning? woke up @ an ungodly hour, put on my pants, my hoodie, kissed craig goodbye and drove to the train station.
9.) Where do you work? Its a secret no one should know.
14.) What is the last movie you watched? I cant remember... In theatres, Harold & Kumar.
15.) What do you dislike at the moment? Everything.
16.) What food do you crave right now? Hot wings & Doritos (Thanks Billy...)
17.) Did you dream last night? Probably, But I cant remember it right now, my mind is pre-occupied.
18.) What was the last TV show you watched? Some HGTV show about a couple buying a new home. It was really gay and made me more depressed and angry.
19.) What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Hmm.. Im not sure. Probably my big blingy magenta ring that broke.
20.) Name someone on your friends who is just like you. Hmm... Similar, but not exact: Adriana.
21.) What is the last thing you ate? I didnt eat today.
29.) How many tattoos/piercings do you have? 3. ears & bellybutton. ZERO tattoos. Im too picky.
30.) What are your favorite stores? Anyplace I can find cool JACKIE-kind stuff.
32.) Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Yeah. But my imagination is quite ridiculous sometimes.
33.) Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Rachael V.
34.) What did you do last night? Smoked & an Ice Cream Party.
35.) Do you care what people think about you? The general public, No. My close friends, family etc....Yeah.
36.) Have you ever done something to instigate trouble? Ha. Probably.
37) Do you like your nose? Yea
38.) What color is your bedroom? White & Grey, plastered with photos & art.
42.) Where do you live? Long Island
43.) Are you an aggressive driver? Most of the time.
44.) Who's your crush? Eddie (Hes a cat)
45.) What is the thing you'd want to change most about yourself? My retarded co-dependancy.
46. What color is your car? Maroon-ish
47.) What do you smell like right now? City.
48.) What is your favorite color? Cooler shades of purple, pink & black.
49.) Do you like mustard? Sure.
50.) What do you tell yourself when times get hard? ...Its life.
51.) Would you ever sky dive? Probably not.
53.) What character from a movie/TV most reminds you of yourself? I have no idea. Someone help me out on this one.
58.) Are you gay? Sometimes.
60.) Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do? Yes, But I am a hypocrite.
62.) Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat? Usually.
63.) If you were born the opposite sex what would your name be? Jack