Title: The Death of Pure Japan (Part 3)
Pairing: Gackt/Miyavi, Gackt/Hyde
Rating: PG-15
frack_ (Writing journal:
Summary: Miyavi breathed into the phone, slowly, painfully, “Ba-by.” That was the beginning. But for every beginning there is a past (Hyde), a middle (Megumi and Ryoko) and an ending. In part 3, Gackt has a birthday party and everyone is invited. Hyde, Miyavi and even Megumi. But not everyone there is a guest, or even a friend.
Crossposted to:
gakuhaieev and
gacktxhyde (
Part 1 : "Strip poker." )
Part 2 : "I'm not goddamned Hyde." )
And so I present:
Part 3 : Oishii Megumi. )