Dec 11, 2009 19:45

I went to the dentist for the first time in a few years the other day. I have some problems. Two cavities in hard to fill between the teeth locations. And two more "almost cavities" in similar places. The dentist recommended a fluoride rinse and to achieve a near constant rate of floss. It's all for the PC. Luckily, they'll reimburse me for some of my medical costs, but it looks like I'll still have to pay quite a scrill to be considered for placement. Kinda frustrating, especially during the holidays when no medical professional wants to even look at me. You want a what? Nono come back in mid January.
So I guess I'm unemployed for longer than I estimated. I'm seeking some other volunteer work in the neighborhood to keep me busy and to add value to my application. There are TONS of places to volunteer in a five block radius from my home. It's a part of the city that has a lot more at risk teens, and ESL students, and substance abuse than other areas. That's actually an awful thing. But it means I can help right in my own neighborhood, I hope.
Otherwise the fun part of my funemployment is kinda winding down. There's only so much internet worth consuming out there. And I've begun to eat out of boredom, when it used to be out of stress or anxiety. It's way too cold to take urban explorations via bike, so I'm gaining a lot of weight. On the bright side I got a bit of cash working construction for a couple days this week.
I moved successfully and grandly with multiple carloads and one day of rent a trucking. I should pare some of my belongings down. My roommate must. Times ten. During the move I utilized the local pawn shop to get rid of some shit nobody needed. While there I acquired a handsome 1/2" power drill. Masculinity quotient +20. There are so many more holes and screws in my place now.
The first phase of the bike trip extraordinaire will begin hopefully in January since I got delays from dental scheduling sucking so much. We'll see.
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