Jan 05, 2010 16:59
It's Twelfth Night, and I'm feeling a little Shakespeare-y. No Orsino for me, though, because Dukes are so Dreary. No, I feel the urge to swash and buckle and in general be awesomesauce like Viola. A lot. Except I don't need to, per se, and I'm hardly in disguise as a boy while my twin searches for me, and I'm luckily unemcumbered by any Malvolio, so I'll probably just go to dance class for the first time in like 3 weeks, live through it, and be all sore tomorrow. Ah, well. On the up side, Yay Dancing! On the down side, I have been a slug for 3 weeks and I'm really going to pay for that.
On the up side again, rehearsals start for our spring concert this week! So I shall be sore and bruised and exhausted for the next four months! Hooray! ( No really, that's an up side. Um, somehow.) The show will be April 24-26 at the Broadway Performance Hall. I will be in at least 2 pieces, maybe 3 (depends on how damaging this schedule turns out to be). I'm looking forward to dancing my behind off, and then some. The trick will be keeping it off after the show is over, but I'm going to try to get through April before I worry about that. Ahem.
I had a loverly New Year's with some friends and Mr. Sweetie. I got a little gussied for the occasion, and wore my fancy boots. I even put on makeup. Yes, a big night for me. A generous couple (heretofore known as "Marti" and "Blunt") rented a room at the Westin for the evening, and we hung out and chatted and ate things. When the time came, we all watched through the windows as fireworks blasted off at the Space Needle several blocks away, and hooted and hollered and drank stuff (mine was sparkling cider, but that's how I like it) and kissed and hugged and then we left. Well, some of us left. Some of us went to Denny's for greasy New Year's breakfast. Some of us got caught in godawful traffic because we didn't turn in time. Bleah. And then as some of us were the designated driver, after food then drove people home before going home to crash at what, like 3am. Happy New Year! But it was fun, and it was full of carbs, and well, these things make me happy. Carbalicious! Um, yeah, yet another reason I have a behind that needs to be danced off. Ahem some more. New Year's Day was subsequently spent on the couch in my jammies. Until about 4, when we took down Xmas. The cats have been thus deprived of their holiday play-toys, but in recompense we're yelling at them about totally different things. That is, when I'm not finding runaway xmas ornaments stashed in odd places, like the laundry room, or behind the toilet. I'm not even making this up. Bad, bad kitties. But I think we finally found all the ones that aren't broken....
Merry Twelfth Night, Happy Epiphany if that's the sort of thing you celebrate, and a Jubilant Tuesday to all. I should probably eat something while finishing up work so I'm not starving all through class. Frozen spaghetti, "If music be the food of love, play on!" and be my destiny dinner.
jumping up and down,
exit space,