Millie and Medea are settling in here at the house. Although we ruined that today when we took them to the vet this afternoon. Poor little Miliie kitty has a respiratory infection. She has this nasty cough that sounds like Gollum shrank to two pounds and grew black fur. Her eyes and nose are full of gunk and she's having trouble breathing, so she doesn't want to eat much. My fabulous friend the fabulous vet, Michelle, is now our vet, and she took care of us tonight. There are liquids to drop in the mouth and ointment for the eyes. Yummy. Millie got subcu fluids to bring down her fever, and shots, and more fun than a little 12 week old can stand. She was kind of upset. She's such a little bit, but she made her feelings known. Got her to eat some wet food when we got home, after the medicine, and she ironically enough loves the giant adult kibble we're giving Medea. Oh well, as long as she eats something, right? We'll worry about proper nutrition later.
Medea is in perfect health, but we expect her to catch the cold imminently. Yay. So we'll try to get them both healthy and happy soon. Luckily PAWS supplied us with a bunch of coupons so we weren't out as much as we might have been. Millie goes back to the vet next week to see how she's progressing, and Medea goes back later in July for another shot, or something. Booster? See what a bad mom I am, I've already forgotten. I'll have to go look it up.
Millie follows Medea around piteously, and when Medea isn't irritated with her ("Go 'way kid, you're botherin' me.") she grooms her vigorously from head to toe and pushes her around. Medea can't stand it when I take Millie into the bathroom to feed her by herself. I think Medea wants the food, but she also comes to find Millie if Millie is crying too much, which I think is sweet. If Medea's doing something interesting, or wants the food she's eating though, Millie will stop eating to watch her. Which is why we're trying to feed her by herself.
So far Millie is still pretty shy and tense, but I think some of it is that she just doesn't feel good. Medea is very social and loving, and I expect her to become a lap cat as soon as she trusts us a little more. She's already interested in spending time with us, and both are sleeping on the bed with us. (I'm so worried I'll kick little bit, I've been sleeping kind of tensed up. Also that awful coughing sound wakes me up. I'm tired and out of it, and work has been, um, interesting. Yay for not going off soda yet.) Medea is definitely living up to her description as a "Personal Assistant" cat. She meows at you to let you know you're doing it wrong, and has to follow you and see if maybe you might need her help. Also, could you maybe see if that window would open and let her look out of it? Just stand here and let her use you as a shelf, thanks. Yeah, she's not shy.
Poor little bit should hopefully be feeling better by next week. I can't get this thing to post up pictures, so you'll have to go to my flickr. Look at Kitties 09 for photos. I'll prolly add more later. This post is blathery and blithery but I'm too tired to edit. Hope y'all can deal.