I dreamed a dream of days gone by...

Apr 13, 2009 12:20

Those days were filled with fun peeps doing fun things and staying up waaaaaaaayyy too late. For which I am paying. I was already on the cusp of a cold, I think. I thought it might be allergies, as it would fade by afternoon and flare up again at night. But now I'm teetering over the edge. I overdid, I'm afraid. bhagwanx  overdid, too, and we both spent a significant portion of yesterday in a stupor. Unpacking? Why can't we just live out of boxes forever?

But Norwescon was fun! Although I was ghosting and mostly hanging in the bar and restaurant and at parties where people knew me (except for when I totally snuck into the dance! Twice! YAY for teh boogie!) I got to see many people I adore and spend not nearly enough time with. Wait ... that's...worded weird. You know what I mean. I'm too tired to figure out how to fix that. And I met new fun people and wore a new dress that I should not have bought but apparently everyone likes the look of, so it appears I'm keeping it. I guess I should take the tags out. :) Think I'll wear it to work tomorrow. With a jacket over, of course. And a cami, because some of the comments made me aware that the decolletage might have been a tad lower than I originally thought. Ahem.

I will try to organize my thoughts into some sort of semi-coherent vague report-like-thing very soon. Tonight I have to be a responsible adult and live up to some adult obligations (some of which include dancing, but that's the fun part of being an adult. The rest of the stuff I have to do tonight is NO FUN AT ALL. Meh.) and then collapse into bed and hope that I sleep well enough that tomorrow isn't made of flail.

Unnngh. Work now.

move, cons, being good, dance, shenanigans, jumping up and down, sleep, sick, fun, tired

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