Misty watercolored meme-ories...

Feb 25, 2009 13:54

In lieu of posting anything of interest, I thought I'd take part in memage. Meh, why not. But I'm adapting it to my own randomosity. Because I can.

Going to Google, typing in [your name] is, or needs, or looks like, or does, or eats, or whatever seems fun. Post the interesting bits somewhere other people can point and laugh at you. Corollary: waste time you could otherwise spend being productive.

"Lucky Lindsey is doubly dangerous." (I like to think so.)

"Lindsey...is the name of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom that lay between the Humber and the Wash..." (This land is my land, this land is, um, my land.)

"Lindsey is a jackass!" (Not nice!)

"Lindsey: does your pickle glow?" (That's a rather personal question. Keep your mind off my pickle!)

"Lindsey does too much too soon." (I wish someone had mentioned that earlier.)

"Lindsey eats hand sanitizer." (Bleah.)

"Lindsey eats scorpions!" (Hey! That's totally Lori's job!)

"Lindsey wants kids." (It's not exactly news, but true.)

"Lindsey wants to marry lesbian lover." (How to parse this ... is it *my* lover who is a lesbian, a lover of lesbians, or am I a possible officiant at a wedding?.)

"Lindsey needs to take breaks to use the water fountain or the bathroom." (Sudden flashbacks to 2nd grade...)

"Lindsey likes it naked." (Ahem. Um, well...)

"Lindsey wears a cape." (I *AM* a superhero!!!)

"Lindsey wears the pants!" (Not just pants, but THE pants. I am definitive.)

"Lindsey hates snakes." (... on a plane.)

"Lindsey loves chocolate cake and I love Lindsey." (Aw, you're too sweet! I *do* love chocolate cake.)

I looked at the "was arrested for" stuff, but it was all about Lindsay Lohan, and I am not she. So nyah.

silliness, memage, copycatting, stuff

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