Oh, with the agony of the waiting!
Robin McKinley, my very favorite author, is coming out with a book called "Chalice" in September. September! Aaack! It's too long! Because, well, she's done with it, from what I understand. She's finished, and working on something else, and this is now just the waiting that happens when books go off to publishers to be prettied up to go into stores. Meh. Gimme, is all I gotta say.
Anyway, she posted the
flap copy on her LJ, and it sounds like so much fun. I want to write as well as she does. Whenever I read her stuff, I think, my ambition is to write this well. And I want greedily to read everything she puts out. I will admit that some of her books I like better than others, but most of them I sink into like dreams and I don't come up for air until I've finished the last page. No point talking to me until I'm done, either. Ok, that happens to me with a lot of books, but hers I read over and over again until people are sick of seeing me carry them. For years. I've read "Sunshine" about 2 dozen times, and it's only a couple years old. I don't let myself read it anymore unless I'm feeling really self indulgent. Or I decide I'm going to read it to analyze style or something. Only I never do, somehow. I always just read it.
Anyway, I'm all a-twitter, and I have months to wait. Plus now I know she's working on a whole other book as well. I mean, she's a professional full time writer and all, but still, it feels like secret knowledge. Maybe I'm just weird.
And maybe I should just make it my goal to finish my own damn book project (or two, or three) before I can get my grubby little hands on her latest, so it gets done. LIke a reward. Yes, yes, I can hear my mother in my head now. If you just get a little bit done every day, it's not so overwhelming. If you just clean as you go...if you just get started...Mom, get out of my head. It's crowded enough in there as it is.