Come and I will sing you ...

Nov 03, 2014 15:31

This post also at my website, - comment either place - or both. Your call. :)

Here it is, the month that is All The Things All The Time - my month of the official-official release of my very first published work, my very first author signing, my very first author reading, and all that those Things entail. November! You are so busy I can hardly think straight.

"A Ragged Magic," of course, is only technically not out yet. Both Amazon and Barnes & Noble will ship the physical copies to you now, if you want to buy through them. The ebooks, however, still seem to be waiting for the official release date of 11/18. 11/18 - date of official release! You may, of course, feel free to buy from wherever you choose, whenever you choose, in what format you prefer. There are other places to buy the book than the big online stores, however, if you would like that. Read on to find out more. (!)

This coming weekend I am going to Orycon, to hang out with writers and talk writery things and be social. This will be the first physical place where my book will be sold: In the dealer's room, there'll be a Per Aspera table, where all things Per Aspera will be sold, including my book. So if you're going to Orycon, you can come by and see the book in the wild - so to speak. And me! I will be around. I should have pretty, pretty business cards and of course there's the book. I can sign it for you, show it off, smile pretty for pictures. Boogie down with/near/around books - I'm usually up/down for a good boogie.

Also, if you're in Portland this weekend (for Orycon or otherwise,) I'll be participating in Powell's "Sci-Fi Authorfest 8", which is happening at the Powell's Books in Cedar Hills Crossing on Sunday, 11/9, from 4-530 pm. My book will be there, too. There'll be a lot of authors there, signing books, and I will be among them! Come buy books from Powell's (you know you want to) and have me sign them! (Well, mine, anyway. Or others, if you like. If you buy them, you can do what you like with them.) So many lovely books, and all of us there, just hoping to sign them for you. I'll have my purple pen and everything.

The following week is Scott's reading at the University Bookstore here in Seattle. His new SF book "Homefront" is out and for sale and you should totally read it. It's really good. Come to his reading, with Mark Teppo, and check it out for yourself!

There are a lot of really great readings at the University Bookstore happening this month, and I think I'm going to at least half of them. Social whirl, whee! You should check them out - it's a great month for writers I know personally, and others I know not at all but I want to read their stuff. Books! Who doesn't like books?

There's my reading, of course, on 11/21, 7pm, at the U district store - which I've told you about already. Please do come. Feel free to pre-order books from University Bookstore - they'll hold them for you until the reading. Feel free to order as many books as you'd like (mine, or any), of course. Ubooks is happy to hold or ship them to you! And if you can't come to the reading, if you order through the store, I think they can make arrangements to have me sign it there and then they can hold it or ship it to you - although I don't have any confirmation of that. I would like to sell my book either way, of course, and I'd like to make it worth the University Bookstore's while to have me there. And I'd like to share this story with you, because I worked hard on it, and I think it's good. In other (so many words) - buy books! Mine especially!

(My mom liked it - just in case you were wondering if I had family endorsements. She even had to call and leave me a detailed message about what she liked so much about it. Also my brother (the more critical one) said it was good and he enjoyed it, and he wanted to know what happens next. Which is a pretty big compliment coming from him. Family endorsements for the win! OK, Mom might seem like low-hanging fruit, but she reads as much or more than I do, so she'd just kindly tell me "It's really not my thing, but you worked so hard!" if she didn't like it. And Quinn would likely only say "Good job finishing something" if he thought it sucked. And my 9 year old nephew is reading it. That one ... I don't recommend exactly to those of you with young children. But, uh, his dad is letting him, so ... I'll let you know if he thought it had too much kissing. The death, I feel certain, he will approve of.)

The week after my reading is Turkey Day week, here in the States, and Mr. Sweetie and I will be traveling to the LA area to see a pretty large contingent of my fambly, including all the niecephews, at least one brother, two sisters-in-law, several cousins, a baby - 2nd? - cousin, both maternal aunts, and possibly my uncle. And my parents, too. Which will be fantastic, and also full of the stress of traveling on the worst US travel days of the year. I'm hoping for relatively easy flights. And some nice time soaking in all the fambly stuff.

The last week of November is slightly less hectic, but for recovering from travel, recovering from going to all the readings, and at least one more reading. Which will conclude All The Things All The Time month, and start December, which is similarly fraught with All The Other Things. But hey, books! Books galore! All the books! Get some books, my friends. I can't recommend it enough.

holidays, authory stuff, happy happy joy joy, go me, squee, authors, things i like, writing, a ragged magic, bookaholism, totally awesome, all about me, fambly, writers, cons, crazy life, totally a grown-up, parents, introverted extrovert, travel, orycon, awesomeosity, brothers, panic, ambitions, yay!, local peeps

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