Because it's that kind of day, and because we all need some cracktastic sometimes, and because I just love it, once again here's a link to the craziest, over the top, 80s-inspired, over-produced, insane fantasy music video in the history of ever. The fancy linking system isn't working, so you might have to cut and paste, but if your inner 12 year old is in the mood for sparkly, sparkly, fantasy crack then do ye go hence and revel. Yes, I have linked to this before. But I needed it today, to get through the humdrumminess of some humdrum stuff at work. I think this video is what happens when someone with a lot of money, too many ideas, and friends in video production decides he wants a music career, and I'm so glad he did. You can thank Diana Sherman for bringing this to my attention, however long ago that was. So much of the thanks/blame can go to her. :) I know it's crazy, and I don't care. My inner 12 year old is dancing around and making up epic tales of demon queens and ghosts and dragons and sparkly, sparkly lurve. She sticks her tongue out at the haters and tells them to stop being giant dorks who only hate things and never like them. Then she dances some more, secure in the knowledge that she is way smarter than stupid hater people. (My inner 12 year old is far more confident that actual 12 year old me was, and more power to her.)
So there. With the light of luuuuve!