May 30, 2013 17:08
It’s almost June. June! How did that happen? How is it I’m always behind like a behind thing? Here is a brief update of things:
I am at the halfway point of the rewrite - it is HALF REWRITTEN. I’m doing a clean-up edit of the pages 104-218, and then sending that portion along to my editor so he approve of the changes I’m making, tell me it’s fine, and soothe my tortured artist’s soul. Well, that’s the hope, anyway. He might hate it. But so far he’s liked it, so there you are. I get the impression that this is not normally how one proceeds with a rewrite, but it’s how we’re proceeding. So there. And since he keeps reassuring me that “IT’S FINE, LINDSEY, STOP WORRYING” with what I can only imagine is an increasing amount of internal eye-rolling, I’m going to have to accept that this is, in fact, fine. So. Halfway. Relentlessly slow is still relentless.
The eXit SPACE show is this weekend. If you wanted to come, and have not bought your tickets, it may be too late. Tech starts tonight for the dancers, and I will be there with, if not bells, at least costumes on. (Note: none of our costumes have bells. SO FAR.) My knees have been relatively cooperative the last week, so I’m going in with the expectation of getting through these shows with no injuries, if considerable soreness. I have tiger balm and ibuprofen and an array of knee braces. If I keep warm and stay gentle on all my jumps, I think everything will be fine.
Tech was last night, and also tonight. Dress rehearsal is tomorrow. I packed up all my costumes, after a last minute freak-out over one of them where the shirt now has a stain on it and it rode up too much and ... so I got a different shirt. And I pinned up the skirt that was too long. I was going to hem it, but I am not a seamstress, and I lack the skills and, mostly, patience for hemming irritating material. (It's t-shirt cotton, and rolls, and I just pinned the damn thing with a bunch of tiny safety pins. Whatever. It looks OK.) I put together hair kit, makeup kit, bandage/first aid kit, deodorant, makeup wipes ... and then I stuffed everything into two bags and roared off into the night. Er, evening. To the stage. Quite responsibly. And as soon as I had to get to anything, the packing failed, and I ended up with clothes and bags and shoes everywhere. So after I got home, I ended up putting it all into a small rolly suitcase. I'm going on a dance trip! With more ace bandages and lipstick than most people see in a year. Well, probably ace bandages. Realistically I'm probably on the low end of the makeup scale, for stage. Hate the stuff.
Tech went really well for both jazz pieces. I think they're going to look great. I need to work on sharp here and there, and I have to decide if I can do that stupid turn that hurt my knee a few weeks ago, or if I'm going to do a half turn and smile bigger, but the choreography is fun and awesome, so I think the audience will love them both. We worked out our spacing issues, and the character shoes for Hot Honey Rag don't feel impossible on the wood, so yay. Tonight I have tech for the modern piece, and earlier, so I should get home sooner. And then I have to decide if I'm rinsing key costume items and letting them be damp for Friday's dress, or if I'm just going to weather the stinky all weekend. Ahem. We shall see. I may have damp costume items draped all over the car Friday, since I'm heading straight to the theater after work.
I'm feeling kind of low-key about the show right now. Not that I'm not excited, because I am, but I think I've been tempering it with trying to be kind and gentle to my knees. Also there's a lot of low-grade random stuff I'm dealing with, most of it not worth whining about, but it's there. I can feel it all sap my energy, so I'm not feeling the big build-up of nerves so much as I'm feeling like taking a nap. Those nerves will all come crashing on me at either dress, or the first show. I'm going to enjoy feeling low-key while it lasts, and then enjoy the nerves and adrenaline, and then sleep all day Monday. And then it will be June.
June. Summer. Already. Yipes.
Speaking of summer, I’m watching our calendar fill up. I’m going to make a conscious effort to keep it from exploding, because I need to keep some down time. It’s hard, because there are so many things we want to do. But I also want to be happy when I do them. And I'm in a definite introvert mode at the moment, so it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The good thing about introvert mode is I'm getting all this writing and editing done. So I might, just maybe, get this rewrite done sometime after all. We can only hope.
my brain on shuffle,
writing habits,
introverted extrovert,
dressing up,
stuff to do,
exit space,