Saturday, after Michelle's bridal shower and a lot of fun, girly times, Michelle, LuAnn, Scott and I went to a late showing of "Brave" at the Cinnebarre. They bring you food. This was helpful, as we'd eaten food at 3-4, and lots of sugar since then, but at 9:50 we'd yet to eat dinner.
"Brave" was fun, funny, and a great look at family dynamics as
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Whether Ebert realizes it or not, his statement is incredibly sexist.. Because he finds her actions insufficiently girly, they make her a fake boy, not a sex-neutral character -- which assumes a male default. And, unless all male characters have to be super-manly or else they're honorary girls, he's invoking a blatant double standard. And he's wrong anyway, because her story is extremely girly. It's about her relationship with her mother, and it's about escaping a forced marriage. THOSE ARE TOTALLY GIRL STORIES, DUDE, ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?
Plus, major comprehension fail, because the resolution of the suitors problem is the acknowledgement that maybe the boys aren't so keen on marrying somebody they barely know either, and everyone agrees that maybe they should let the kids get to know each other and make their own romantic decisions. I thought the resolution seemed a little forced, mind you, but its point was absolutely clear. To me. Apparently not to Mr. Ebert, who has had a lot of medical troubles so I dunno, blame it on the medication? (Also, did he miss the bit where at first she and her mom seem really excited when they think the third suitor is going to be that big strapping handsome guy? And then the third apparent loser steps out and her face falls? That doesn't exactly say "confirmed lifetime bachelorette" to me.)
If I had a complaint about Brave, it was that Merida isn't enough of an action hero. For a movie called Brave, where the protagonist is iconically an archer, I didn't think the concept of bravery or her archery skills played a satisfying enough role in the climax. And I was a little worried that might be because she was female -- that there was some possibly unconscious sexism going on.
And I think Mr. Ebert needs to wake up to his own personal responsibility to not be a closet sexist and retract the ending of that review. Because it's disgusting, undermining, and entirely dismissive of all women everywhere. I feel entirely justified in calling him a sexist asshat.
That's definitely there... sort of. I could almost make it be about a girl who already knows how to be brave in a physical way, then has to struggle to find the bravery to admit that she was wrong. She does go from denying that the whole bear thing is her fault, to admitting that it is. But to me it didn't feel like a significant story point -- maybe because she's already trying to help her mother, so it doesn't change the direction of the story?
Anyway, I enjoyed the movie, but found it a little unsatisfying -- like there was some crucial ingredient missing, and I've been trying to put my finger on what. But I guarantee you the missing ingredient was not "Merida is a fake boy."
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