The links you make are equal to the links you make... Updated

Sep 15, 2011 15:49

Obviously. Anyhoo, it's a linky-link kind of day, as there are several people who lately have asked me to re-post links to things I have linked to in the past. Which might make this really, really meta. Or just redundant.

For Misty, who wanted the sweet potato dog link:

For Karen, who wanted that one guy signing that GaGa song "Love Game," or whatever: Oh NOES! Sadly, that is no longer available, apparently the user has removed their youtube account, and people will just have to imagine the awesomeosity that was that very talented young man signing and dancing. Dangit. Sorry, Karen. That's a bummer.

(PS - yes, signing, as in sign language. Thought I should make that clear. Ahem. Back to the linkses.)

For ... you know, now I can't remember who requested this, but I'm reposting anyway, because I think it is FAN-freaking-TASTIC and Cracktastic and all that good stuff, in a giggly, sparkly, 12 year old squealy girl geek kind of way. So enjoy, if you enjoy that:

So concludes today's linkity-link-link post. I'm going to try and do something productive now. Do not roll your eyes at me. I can be productive. It's been known to happen.

UPDATE - mikigarrison is awesome and found the Love Game guy, so here it is, Karen! Enjoy!

silliness, crack-tastic, videos, links, stuff, songs, teh youtube, silly

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