Jan 21, 2011 14:17
Figaro! Figaro, Figaro, Fi-ga-ro!
Guess what opera we're going to see tonight? I bet you pictured wabbits, didn't you? Yes indeed, "The Barber of Seville," is on the list of our activities this evening. I'm so excited. I've never seen this whole opera - bits and pieces performed in college, and of course, the Bugs Bunny cartoon. Ah, I'll never forget Teagan in our performance class, belting out the Figaro aria, doing very well and having us all on the edge of our seats, impressed to pieces, and then getting to a place where he'd forgotten the words, and just - bluffing it for a minute. We were all fooled until the silence went on for too long. Er, oh, he forgot something. Then he dove in again, and it was brilliant. Sometimes I wonder whatever happened to Teagan. I forget his last name entirely, so I can't look it up. Oh, well. But he would have made an excellent Figaro.
I'm also getting my shaggy hair trimmed this afternoon beforehand, which is extra nice since then I won't have to worry about styling it for going out - professionals will do it for me! Hurrah! And as there are a limited number cocktail dresses in my repertoire, I shall wear the silver/gray dress with the wide tiered ruffles, and red velvet jacket, with black knee high boots. And the sparkly red jewelry, because why not. Going with what I know already works this evening. Easy-peasy - especially with my hair taken care of. Yay for date night! Scott is meeting me where we're going to have dinner, and then we'll have nice evening of singing, silliness, and s-word. As one does. We've enjoyed the season so much this year that we're considering buying season tickets again next year. I'm torn - I want to see at least 2 of the operas, Scott really wants to see 3, but I kind of would also like to go to the ballet and/or theater as well next year, depending. So ... not sure. But the date nights will be fun either way.
In other news, not that it's so very exciting, my office is moving buildings today. We've (read: everyone who has way more stuff than I do) been packing for weeks, orange crates everywhere, and everyone (else) banging files around and mildly or greatly panicking. This afternoon we have to be out of here before 3 pm, when IT and the movers are showing up. I packed (with some help from Miki) yesterday in about 20 minutes, all told. I don't keep a lot of stuff at my desk that's not work, and most of my work is actually computer files. So I'm as close to paperless as it's possible to be, I think. Go paperless office society - almost! I have just 2 of the big orange crates, and only one is completely filled. The other is probably half-full, mostly personal items such as food (crackers, almonds, emergency chocolate) and lotion and tissue, etc. The other things I had to label to travel include my CPU, monitor, phone, chair, mouse, keyboard - they even made us label our trash cans and recycle bins. I'm not sure why - surely they could just hand them out again. I don't feel *that* attached to these *specific* trash/recycling receptacles. Huh.
Come Monday we will be in a new building about 6 blocks away from this one, with new cubicles that about half of us think are a little silly, but the votes (of those who voted) were in favor of the style. The cubicle walls are lower, so while there will be more light, there's also less privacy while you're working/zoning out/drooling on yourself/goofing off. But on the bright side, my cubicle is totally next to the window area. Which is probably less private, due to the walkway they put there, but also gets the most light. We'll see how it goes.
But the leaving at 3 means I get time to go get my hair cut, and then go home and change without having to rush around, so I'm rather glad the dates all worked out this way. Even though the work stuff I'll need to get done on Monday will be all wonky and not get done in time for the meeting, because of the moving and the confusion and the necessary time settling in, etc. Oh flipping well. I will just enjoy the opera, the weekend, and that new office smell*.
(*Note: I probably won't enjoy the new office smell - it always smells like plastic. But it will be a joy not to be near the perfume-happy woman who sits by me now. Cripes lady - that crap does not smell like apples, and could you please not spray it every 30 minutes!)
date night,
happy happy joy joy,
dressing up,
good friends and good times,