There's no time for fussing and fighting

Oct 12, 2010 14:47

Life is continuing on in a relatively busy, hectic fashion, though perhaps (and hopefully) not as hectic or surprising in bad ways as September tended to be. I keep trying to schedule time for projects, only to realize that I'm too tired or busy for projects. Bummer. But sometime this fall I would like to actually organize the closets we just sort of threw things into. And the garage. It might not happen until next fall. But hope springs eternal. So maybe in the spring, then, what with the springing.

I would also like to go out dancing more. I went out dancing this past Friday, and it was so much fun! But so very, very painful the next couple of days. Am I really so old? I was only there for like 2 hours! I met up with some peeps, most of whom I don't know, but ironymaiden  invited me and it sounded like fun. New dancey people! Yay! Friday nights are often difficult, because I'm already tired by the end of the work day, and getting dressed up to go out feels a little like more work instead of fun at that point, but I made myself go. And it was awesome! We went out to Chop Suey, which I've never been to before, and they were having a bootleg mashup party thing. So it was all mashup songs. One of the funniest was a mashup of "Come On Eileen" with "Mama Said Knock You Out." I laughed and boogied and drank water and realized that my quads were still completely sore from Wednesday's dance class. And then I kept dancing, and then I realized that if I wanted to be able to walk the next day, I really needed to go home. Also, as I'm Old Now (tm) I should have stretched for 20 minutes before participating in the boogie. Oh, well. So I spent most of Saturday feeling like left-over roadkill, completely hungover, even though I don't drink. Sad. I am not eighteen anymore, my body reminds me. Oh yeah. I feel, though, that if I did that on a more semi-regular basis, that maybe I would toughen up. That's my plan - toughen up to be able to boogie more. One must train for this sort of thing.

Meanwhile, it's fall, and I love fall. Oh, who am I kidding, I love every season, at least for a little while. But fall feels like new beginnings and sweaters and boots (and boots and boots ... I am a total bootaholic. More on that later.) and ambitious schedules to attempt and cuddling up with books and sweeties and tea and cocoa and animules and blankies ... Mmmmmm. So in that vein, I am working on an ambitious (for me) writing schedule to attempt, and I have ambitions for housekeeping schedules that are NOT too ambitious but easy to maintain, and an ambitious (for me) meal plan schedule wherein I actually from time to time COOK something and don't go out to eat as often. This last part will be the hardest for me, because while I dislike cleaning, I can't stand a dirty house, so the cleaning happens. But I Seriously Hate to cook. No good reason, except that I'm both lazy and picky, and bothering to cook something that may or may not work out when I know something tasty exists down the road or could just show up at my door seems like So. Much. Work. So while I can't get away with not cleaning for too long before I can't stand it anymore and MUST CLEAN EVERYTHING NOW, I can get away with not cooking for years. And have. Ahem. So once again (because I have had this ambition before) I am trying to cook a home-cooked meal a couple of times a week. Of course, this translates into Mr. Sweetie cooking a home cooked meal once or twice a week, and my cleaning up afterword, as a general (and preferable - he's a far better cook) rule. We've come across a couple of recipes that we both like, but we're going to need to look for some more. Also I need to get off my duff, whatever my duff may be, and really actually cook for myself every now and again, when he's not there, instead of turning to instant or delivered options. So Very Very Hard For Me. But I shall persevere! (All the people who like to cook or don't have other options are now shaking their head in irritation and lack of sympathy for me. I know. It's a small little problem. But it's mine.)

The ambitious writing schedule ... I think I'm going to keep to myself for a bit, and see if it works out. September was just awful, for a lot of reasons, and I didn't write a lot. So I'm heading into the rest of this season with the hope that I can accomplish a few things and not get derailed by other life happening around it. We'll see. I know if I fail the only one who'll really give a crap is me, but I hate to exist on this precipice of definition where I am/am not a writer who is writing, or who can work despite random crap. I used to be someone who could. That all went away at some point, so I've been struggling to get it back.

In other life news, it's fall clothes buying season, and I'm totally up for new jackets and shoes. In fact, I do need a new jacket. I think I'll have to lay off the shoes for awhile, though. Because every time I go in looking for sensible fall shoes that I can wear to work in inclement weather, I end up buying suede boots. (Although last time I bought some sensible trouser shoes as well, so that sort of counts, right?) I am a bootaholic. If there is a sale on boots I am a short rationalization away from getting a pair. The pair I bought this weekend are red suede ankle boots. They are FABULOUS and cute and I lurve them, but they are not so appropriate foul-weather gear, even with waterproofing. Sigh. But, but, they were ON SALE! They were fully half off their normal (seriously impossible) price! I - I heart them too much to give them up. I totally wore them to work today. Lots of people are complimenting me on them, and I am filled with glee. I came late to the shoe-obsession game, but I throw myself into it whole-heartedly. I mean, why not? As my friend Sara posted to my fb page, I could totally kick Dorothy's sparkly ass with these boots. And how. So I'm keeping them. And the other awesome suede boots of improbable pricing that I bought two weeks ago. Um. Yeah. So, um, there's that.

dance, these boots are made for walkin, writing habits, bootaholism, shoes, boogie, autumn, cooking, plans, ambitions, seasonal stuff, stuff

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