Mar 01, 2010 15:14
The past 5 days of this 100 day push are an utter writing fail. I got frustrated with technology, frustrated with myself, and gave up. Which is depressing and irritating, so I'm going to kickstart myself again tonight with writing group. Stupid technology, and stupid me.
My brain this past week has been completely fuzzy and full of holes like cheese, for no good reason that I can figure out. I'm going to try eating more protein and see if that helps, because what the heck? I feel like I'm in a fog most of the time, and when I don't I'm crabby about the foggy part. Simple equations (mathematical and otherwise) are frustrating and nerve-wracking and I'm almost always wrong. Dance rehearsal yesterday was a complete disaster: I couldn't get my brain and body to work together to save my miserable hide, and I asked stupid questions, and then didn't understand the answers. I couldn't remember choreography I had down last week. I could barely execute choreography I've had down for seven weeks, much less the new choreography we were supposed to be learning. WTF? And later I felt unable to so much as concentrate on as remarkably silly a movie as "Van Helsing," which we were watching for laughs. I had to not pay attention to follow it at all. It's as though my brain has decided that it's in hibernation and anything more difficult than "where teh noms at" is out of the question. Not acceptable, Brain. Time for Wakeys. (Speaking of brain not working, I just had another example of that happen right now. In trying to run some reports, I am Doing Them Wrong, and Misunderstanding Information That I Already Know. I asked a coworker to help me figure out a fix for something and he helpfully pointed out that it didn't need fixing, because here is the relevant information right here in this column right where you would look for it. CRIPES! Am I sick? This is starting to get disturbing and disruptive.)
So. To that end (the waking up my brain part) I am going to be willing to accept 250 words per day, but still aim for 500, and also accept them in my notebook, handwritten, if I don't feel up to tackling technology.
(The technology issue is that the Word 2007 intro period thingy on my laptop has ended, and won't let me do anything in Word or Excel anymore without putting in a code I don't have, and we haven't updated everything to Windows 2007 yet because Vista SUCKS and eats things, and I hate the 2007 versions of everything anyway, and I had to email myself versions of the docs I put on the laptop because now I can't update them, and I'm not comfortable with Works even though it should be pretty much the same as Word, and I'm just really crabby about the whole thing. Scott is trying to help me but I admit I'm just irritated enough to throw everything across the room in a huff (not really) and fold my arms and sulk. Poor Scott.)
Ahem. Maybe I need more vitamins. Anyway, I'm going to tackle this crabby and work towards words. Dragging my inner 3 year old kicking and screaming, if need be. Now if only my brain would cooperate. Does the promise of a cookie work as well on stupid as it does on crabby inner 3 year old? Let's find out.
brain fail,
dumb me,
damn damn damn charlie charlie