Oct 15, 2006 23:30
An excerpt from a book I have to read on predynastic Egypt for a class:
"The Badarian Rippled pottery was probably developed from burnished and smudged pottery. Burnished ware is present in late Saharan Neolithic sites and from as far north as Merimda to as far south as Central Sudan in Khartoum Neolithic sites. The Rippled ware at present is known form the Badarian (4000 BC) in Upper Egypt, Terminal Akban (3200 BC) in Nubia, and El-Kadada (3500 BC) in Central Sudan (Bietak, 1986). The Badarian Rippled pottery may have thus originated in the Badari region from a Saharan prototype spreading southward or in a broad belt encompassing Nubia and Upper Egypt from a 'Khartoum-Varian' Neolithic (Hays, 1984; Bietak, 1986)."
No, actually, school is going pretty well. I am actually on top of my shit this year, for the first time since I came to Stanford. Summerbridge really did wonders on kick-starting that good old Protestant work ethic I had in high school, even as it slowly devoured my summer. I'll give it that.
The big problem--I was at a party this weekend (with Schwe!) and this boy from my dorm who also lived with me last year started talking to me and he was so nice and interesting and kind... so of course, now I have a baby crush on him.
But I don't want to. I really don't. I can just see where this is leading--I like him for a few months, I tell him, he doesn't like me, it's awkward for the rest of the time I know him. I really am just prepared to throw in the towel.
So why can't I? Why is my brain one of those annoying ones that really DOES believe that "hope springs eternal," despite all evidence to the contrary? What is it about the human spirit that it can withstand so much, yet still maintain that belief that things will work out in the end? Why can't I learn from my mistakes???