So, the Helyanwe's borked up. I'm pretty sure I can fix them, but for the moment, they're going to sit quietly in their house and meditate or some shit. I don't know. Anyway... this founder is actually the product of an alien abduction in my "just for fun" house. And I loved her so much that I decided to extract her and do a legacy-type thing with her too. Not really a legacy, cause I'm not picking handicaps and whatnot, apart from maybe seeing how many generations I can make the alien genes stay. So anyway, I hope you enjoy, she's a fun girl. I hope you like her as much as I do! Oh, if my commentary gets increasingly snarky or hostile, I apologize. I'm trying to quit smoking.
Meet Lena everybody!
Lena, say hi.
Lena: Fuck off.
Yeah. 7 nice points my ass, you little ray of fucking sunshine.
Picture taking done, she decided to cannonball into the pool.
Lena: I see what you did there.
Lena: *sulks*
What is it?
Lena: I can't swim!
Then teach yourself, doofus.
Lena: No, that's okay. I'll just float here on my back. That's good enough.
Seriously. And she gained fitness... by floating on her back. Anyway, I caught site of the paperkid so I zipped off to check him or her out for future generations.
Not bad! Not bad at all! Alon Livingston, you will be in this legacy, you mark my words.
So, she gained fitness enthusiasm, and Humble brought her computer. What was our intrepid young alien maiden doing?
...floating on her back.
"Lena has gained a point of Body skill from swimmingfloating on her back." Fixed that for you, EAxis.
So, since the computer arrived, I decided to have her look for her job. One of her wants matches her LTW, so I'd prefer that.
Every other time I've played, the Slacker career has always been in there. Not this time however... medical, politics. If Lena was an overachiever, sure.
So we tried the paper. No luck there either, wtf. So, I put a lock on the want.
Crossword puzzle time!
Aww, she's cute.
Her welcome wagon showed up next. Nina Caliente, Darren Dreamer and Gilbert Jacquet. I swear, I need to play a different neighborhood. Anyway, I had her go out to greet them.
You know how she greeted Nina? They stood there and fucking nodded at each other. You so friendly, Lena!
Well, what do you think of her?
Lena: Blechblechewwww.
Charming girl.
What about Gilbert then?
Lena: OH HAY.
Lena: I want that one.
He took off to follow Nina over to the pool and Lena ran after him to charm him.
Hmm... two bolts! I can work with that, I guess!
Lena: You will be mine.
I have this really bad habit of thinking I've paused the game when I get up to stretch or something? But then coming back to find that I didn't. Anyone who read the opening post for the Helyanwe's remembers what happened to Malina when I trotted off to take a bath, right? Well, thankfully, this wasn't that bad. No, this time ACR just decided to pick up where I left off. And this is what I found when I came back with my Babybel cheese.
D'awww. However... I heard a jingle! >.<
She rolled a "make out with Gilbert" want, so I let her go do that, and she swooned the whole way around the bed.
Yeah, yeah, second verse same as the first.
Oh yippie.
Damn, Lena, don't look so enthused.
Gilbert: tickle tickle tickle!!
That is the scariest hug face that I think I've ever seen...
Could you two maybe break apart for like, five seconds so you could get dressed?
Gilbert: I just want to give her this backrub first...
Uh huh, sure.
Lena: You bend.... and snap! Works every time!
Lena: You know what my secret is? I just hold my fingers like this and then I...
Yanno, I think I might have to take out ACR, this shit gets old.
I'll admit that they've been sitting on "date mode" for awhile, just so I could see some of his wants. He had a slow dance want, so, voila, fulfilled.
Okay, Lena... let me get this straight. You'll fuck him twice, make out with him all over the place, run around in your underwear and your bathing suit in front of him, explain the intimate details of your handjob technique, but GOD FORBID he try to kiss you while you're dancing, amirite?
Lena: Yep!
Taking a photo in your underwear! STAY CLASSY, GUYS!
Lena: So, like... I'm knocked up! And seeing as how it's yours, I was thinking you could maybe move in with me so our child will know the wonder of having two parents!
Gilbert: Bitch, you trippin'!
Lena: *pouts*
Gilbert: *quietly rages*
Lena: Um, erm... heh. My bad? :/
But they still ended their date with a kiss.
Me being somewhat bright, I decided to check some of his stats. Eh.
After "asking about job," this is what I got. That must be Sim code for "I live at home with my mom."
She tried again to get him to move in, and by freak accident? He actually accepted. What the hell.
Lena: Yay! Now our child won't be a bastard!
Well, it's money, anyway!
Okay, well, that's all for now! Next update, Gilbert will get a sorely needed makeover and I'll give his stats, and we'll probably have, if not the birth of, at least the poppage of the second generation! Later!