Feel fee to advise me how to make the links for content if the long version is annoying.
1. What is that thing that no one, not even your partner, your mother or your best friend, knows about you?
That's tough. I am pretty open with people I trust and love.
2. What would make you feel embarrassed in public?
I don't get embarrassed too easily but If I say something dumb around someone I respect that usually does it.
3. What do you think is your biggest flaw? What have you done about it?
I have occasional bouts of anexiety. I cut back on my caffeine intake.
4. What is your biggest strength? How did you develop it?
I am persistent. I make up my mind to do something and I do it. I also write well when I am excited about the topic. I know I tend to be a little breif however. I am good at critical thinking and I am fairly creative as well. I guess I developed a lot of that in college.
5. If you could change your name, what would your new name be?
I like my chosen magick name Robin. I also like the original Gaelic version of my surname "Mac an Leister"
6. If you could change your appearance, how would you decide to look?
Bigger bicepts and pecks.