Jul 02, 2006 12:09
Okay, third one rolling up with the intros. (Third time's the charm?)
Maia here, although some go for Mel. I'm perfectly fine with you calling me anything as long as I know you're referring to me. xP
I think I can safely say that I, too, am addicted to RPing. (Good God, this sounds like an AA meeting. Although considering I am playing Reno...
...Moving on.)
Yes, so, as stated above, I shall be your Reno, and I am very happy indeed to pull out my red-headed alter ego muse to play once more. ^^
I believe I've RPed with a majority of you, although there are a couple I've yet to meet--but either way, hello to everyone! I really look forward to RPing and getting to know all of you. And if I already do, then knowing you even better. XD
Feel free to message me anytime--You can usually find me on an IM service. MSN and my email are melanthe_@hotmail.com (I check my email a lot, so in a way, it's actually like IM). Just shoot me a message any time you wish, even if you just wanna chat. I completely don't mind people dropping by my personal LJ, either. ^_^