Discussions of places to visit this summer seem to have stagnated, for this reason I have prepared a map.
step 1. Make a copy of this map on your computer
step 2. Open this map in paint
step 3. Place a mark next to cities of interest to you for holiday purposes, there is no limit to the number of cities you mark.
step 4. Save your map and post it in your own journal, as a comment here, or send it back to me via e-mail.
step 5. I will see which places are indicated the most times by the most people and come up with figures for a trip there.
Kirsty Yarr has a particularly infuriating way of deciding which cities to list, she would open wikipedia, type in the name of the city she was considering, look at the photographs of buildings in the area, and then decide whether or not the architecture was awesome enough to look at in person. Although to be fair the map thing was her idea initially so you can't really fault her.