(no subject)

Apr 07, 2008 01:22

Title: Origami
Rating: PG-13
pairings: Jin/Kame
Summary: sequel to my first akame drabble found here

They were shooting another episode of Cartoon KAT-TUN, and their current guest was showing them how to fold origami. Ueda was curling paper with a pencil. Junno was surprisingly good and was working on his third creation. Kame opted for something easier and was working with thin strips of paper. Koki and Nakamaru had long given up and were tossing crumpled pieces of paper towards each other. Jin groaned in frustration as his seventh attempt at making paper crane failed. He pushed the stack of brightly colored paper away from himself and grabbed one of the strips of paper near Kame. After another couple minutes they finally stopped to see what everyone had done.

Kame had created an impressive number of paper stars in a multitude of colors.
Junno had somehow created a small collection of varying paper animals ranging from frogs to cranes to even a swan.
Ueda proudly displayed his bouquet of paper flowers.
Koki and Nakamaru laughed awkwardly as the other members looked at them.

“What?!” Koki said, and Nakamaru continued, “It’s not like we didn’t give it a shot.”

The staring didn’t stop, and Koki snorted, “Stop looking at us like that. I’m sure Akanishi didn’t do anything either.”

“Oi! Jin spoke up, “Don’t put me in the same boat as you. I made something too!”

All eyes suddenly turned towards the “A” of KAT-TUN.

“Really?” someone said.

Jin grinned, “Yeah, if anything there’s at least one thing I can make.”

The group looked at him expectantly as he reached out for Kame’s hand. He swiftly slid his hand over Kame’s and his grin got wider, “Yosh! It fits.”

A silence fell over the room. The group looked at Kame’s hand then back to Jin.

“Y-y-…you really haven’t changed at all!” Ueda exclaimed while smacking Jin upside his head. Junno, Koki, and Nakamaru laughed loudly, catcalled, and whistled. A sense of déjà vu hit Kame as he stared at the brightly colored paper adorning his left ring finger, but there was a difference. Beneath the paper ring where no one could see he could feel the distinct coolness of metal on skin. He discreetly raised his eyes to meet Jin’s and a small smile made its way onto his face.

x-posted to akame_, kattun_fanfics

akame, drabble, fanfic: one-shot

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