(no subject)

Feb 16, 2009 08:59

Title: Picture Perfect [2/2]
Pairing/Characters: Maruda, Akakame, and a smidgen of KoKunno
Rating/Genre: G / Fluff, Humor, Romance
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own any of them
Summary: Sequel to #1Cookies and #2Silk Sheets
read part 1 here

Sorry for the long wait. Wrote the first part in August(?) and then I kind of forgot it existed so here's the second part now for anyone that's still interested. Again sorry if it's a little off from the first part since I wrote this part so much later.

It's quite late but Happy Belated Valentine's Day from me!

Jin had forgotten just how resourceful Kazuya was as shopping. To say that the younger man simply loved to shop was a major understatement. Though Kazuya could easily drop 30 to 50 thousand yen in one day’s shopping, he just as easily could spend only a few thousand yen and come out with the same amount of bags and not have to sacrifice personal tastes and quality. So it was only natural that Kazuya also knew the most expensive name brand items as well.

Jin supposed he should have expected his current predicament when Kazuya wanted to tag along too. But honestly who in their right mind wanted to spend 32 thousand yen on one bed sheet set - one, one! not the two he had to buy.

Ueda watched in awe as he let himself be pulled along the many aisles and bed displays by a hyperactive Kazuya, followed by Maru pushing the cart and a sulking Jin trailing slowly behind.

He had truly underestimated the younger man’s wrath; so far Kazuya had already filled the cart with two sets of 1000 thread count charmeuse silk bed sheets, two new goose down pillows - each ¥6500, and one large full body pillow - ¥9500. It was true Ueda was mad at Jin and was planning to make Jin spend a ridiculous amount of money on his new bed, but he’d never imagined just how much money could go into one bed, and they hadn’t even gotten the mattress yet. Kazuya suddenly stopped and Ueda lightly bumped into him.

“Oi, Kame! What did you stop for?” Ueda asked gently rubbing his nose.

Kazuya grabbed a large parcel off the shelf and he turned towards the older man - eyes sparkling brightly, “Tat-chan! Let’s get you a new comforter too! ♥”

Ueda glanced quickly at the shelf label Mulberry Silk Comforter ¥25,000 he didn’t want to say no for fear of his own wallet - as well as Kazuya’s trump card coming into play - but ¥25,000 for just a comforter?!

“¥25,000?! NO! NONONONO! Ueda doesn’t need one that expensive!” Came a voice from behind them as Maru and Jin turned the corner heading down their aisle.

“YES! UEDA DOES! He definitely needs a new comforter too!” Kame exclaimed and pouted childishly.

Maru stepped between the two lovers and held his hands up, “Maa-maa. Couldn’t we just get a cheaper one? It doesn’t have to be the silk one right?”

“NO! It does!” Kame shook his head furiously, “It definitely needs to be silk.” The trio just stared questioningly at the youngest.

“Silk is the best choice.” Kame said simply and threw a mischievous glance towards Ueda, “Silk breaths so it’ll cool off the body even if you start sweating, but it also conforms to the body so it’ll keep you warm too. It’ll be perfect no matter how hot or cold it gets. That way Tat-chan can be comfortable whether he’s alone in bed or not.”

Ueda blushed and just as Jin was about to say something Ueda cut him off. “Okay! Kame’s right, I need this! No more arguing about it. Let’s just put it in the cart and go!” and before either Maru or Jin could say anything else Ueda dragged Kazuya off towards the mattresses.


Jin wanted to cry.

He and Maru had finally found the other two only to find out that Kazuya had left only two choices for Ueda to pick from. The first was an organic latex rubber mattress with a wool pillow-top cover going for ¥325,000. The second a newly developed plant-based memory foam mattress, the covering made from bamboo and appropriately priced at ¥300,000. Ueda glanced pitifully at Jin and pointed towards the memory foam mattress much to the relief of Jin.

¥411,500 gone just like that (not even including the tax)…well at least Ueda and Maru managed to convince Kazuya from picking out a new bed frame too. They - Jin - paid for the purchases and then headed back to the loft. The mattress was too big for them to take on their own and was scheduled to be delivered the next day. When the foursome arrived back home Kazuya proceeded to help Ueda clean his room, throwing away the soiled bed sheets, and taking the mattress out. The rest of the evening past by fairly uneventfully and both Jin and Ueda let out a heavy sigh of relief that Kazuya had not planned anything else.


For the second time that day Jin wanted to cry.

He had really, really miscalculated how upset Kazuya was at him. His punishment wasn’t the silk sheets or the goose-down pillows or the silk comforter or even the eco friendly memory foam mattress. No, Jin realized that the ¥411,500 was only Kazuya’s way of apologizing to Ueda for the previous night. What Kazuya was doing to him now was much worse than any amount of money he had to pay.

The night had started off simply enough. Jin entered his and Kazuya’s room and smirked, Kazuya was dressed in a thin, light tank top and a pair of criminally short-shorts. He slinked up to the younger man and hugged him from behind. Kazuya turned around in his loose hold and Jin leaned down to peck him. One light kiss turned into another and another and another until they were no longer light and sweet, but instead passionate and deep. Kazuya’s hands grasped tightly at his shirt and Jin inched them closer to the bed until the back of Kazuya’s knees hit the edge and they toppled lightly. Jin’s hand was lightly stroking Kazuya’s torso - slowly making its way up - when the smaller man pushed him away.


It took a moment but when the word registered in his mind Jin just looked down at the other man confused. Kazuya pushed himself away from Jin and sat up - a stern look on his face.

“You’ll ruin the bed sheets, and we cannot be letting that happen. I mean really, have you tried getting stains out of silk? It’s a major pain I tell you. So sex is a definite no-no. Okay.” Kazuya ended with an innocent and bright smile; Jin just blinked owlishly in disbelief as Kazuya patted the spot next to him, “Now come on so we can go to sleep.”

And so Jin lied in bed completely and utterly wide awake as Kazuya curled his lithe body around the older man in his sleep. He was painfully aware of the way Kazuya’s legs sensuously wrapped around his own, how Kazuya’s head nestled in the crook of his neck - Kazuya’s breath lightly caressing Jin’s sensitive collar bone with each outtake of air, and how Kazuya would very softly - almost inaudibly - slighlty moan as he moved about in his sleep.

Yes, Jin sighed, this is what Kazuya had been planning for him over the course of the day.


The Next Day

“JIN! RIGHT! Move to the right!” Maru yelled

“Why don’t YOU move to my left!?” Jin retaliated.

“A-AH! It’s falling! Just put it on the floor. SLOWLY!”

Jin and Maru huffed leaning heavily against Ueda’s new mattress. The bed was delivered earlier in the day and though the staff had offered to move and set the mattress the boys had politely declined. Jin was now regretting it and groaned as he fell to the ground. Stretching his arms Jin felt a couple of loose papers on the ground. He reached out and brought the small stack to his face; it wasn’t just paper but some photos. Briefly he remembered Maru heading out to pick up some photos early that morning.

“Oi Maru, what are your pictures doing in Ueda’s room? And when did you take so many pictures of KAT-TUN? Or rather of me?”

“Mine?” Maru looked over to Jin as the younger man handed a few of the photos over, “Oh, those are Kame’s. He asked me to pick them up earlier. I wonder why he put them in here…”

“Ah…that would explain the after shower picture” Jin murmured absentmindedly then grinned, “Ehh, since when did you and Ueda get so far in your relationship?”

Maru sputtered and quickly grabbed the photo from Jin and immediately turned scarlet - he and Ueda were sleeping on his bed, Ueda’s head tucked under his chin, “What?! When? I-I…”

“Oi, you guys still haven’t finished moving the bed?” Ueda walked into the doorway and saw the other two on the ground, pictures strewn around them. Then he noticed the familiar picture in Maru’s hands and flushed as he snatched the picture out of the older man’s hands.

“When did you get this! I thought I had the only copy! I didn’t know Kame took a picture with his camera too!”

Jin and Maru looked at Ueda silently for a moment before Jin muttered, “…So that means you already know of this pic? Ah! Is that what you’ve been hiding all day yesterday?”

Ueda looked up quickly at the duo and suddenly realized he’d said everything out loud. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he felt his face get even hotter before he ran off. Without missing a beat Maru got up and rushed after the distraught man and just as they’d entered the living room he’d grabbed Ueda’s arm.

“Let go!” Ueda yelled

“I won’t.” Maru said firmly, “I won’t so tell me why you’re crying.”

Ueda’s eyes widened and he brought his free hand to furiously wipe at the fallen tears, “I-I’m not crying.”

With a sudden burst of strength Maru pulled Ueda forward and enveloped the man in a warm secure embrace. He held onto the smaller man tightly, “Why won’t you tell me anything?”

Ueda was trembling, “Y-you’ll think I’m weird for keeping the poleroid of us sleeping that Kame took. *sniff* Then you’ll realize what it means and you- you’ll stop wanting to talk to me. But you won’t say anything because you’re *sniffle* too nice to do something like that. B-but it’ll always be awkward, and I won’t be able to spend the night in your bed anymore or go to the lavender fields or do anything with only the two of us. And - and I don’t want that to happen just because you *sniff* don’t love me like I love you.”

“Baka!” Maru pulled away from the now hiccupping man. He wiped at Ueda’s tear-stained cheeks and tilted his face up. “When did you start thinking so negatively? I’m the only one that’s supposed to do that.” He said softly and leaned forward to press his lips against the other’s.

Ueda stiffened for a moment - the single photograph fluttering to the floor in his loose grasp - before his eyes closed of their own accord and he responded to the kiss. His hands clutched at the front of Maru’s shirt even as the older man pulled away.

“I love you too, Tatsuya.”

A fresh set of tears flowed down the younger man’s face and Ueda wrapped his arms around the Maru. Enveloping the taller man in a tight hold of his own. “Yuichi, aishiteru. Zutto aishiteru!”

Maru lightly nuzzled his face against Ueda’s, “Hai.”

“Y-YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER NOW TOO!” A voice suddenly exclaimed from the front door and the duo turned to face a gaping Koki and Junno - who was meekly hiding behind the wall.

“KOKI! YOU’VE RUINED THE MOMENT, THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS AGAIN! I JUST KNOW IT! All my hard work and planning gone to waste! So much for that picture now...well at least I have the confession and first kiss shots already.” Kazuya exclaimed from the hallway entrance.

“Koki you’re becoming more KY than Junno lately” Jin said as he entered the living room behind Kazuya.

Koki however was not listening to either of them, currently occupied with murmuring to himself, “It’s spreading…spreading!” He suddenly jerked and turned sharply towards the first “T” of KAT-TUN, “You! We must stay apart! Don’t come near me otherwise we’ll be doomed to the KAT-TUN member ai-less curse too!” and ran towards his room.

Junno blinked silently at the spot Koki was once in, “Eh?”

Jin sighed sympathetically and simply pushed Junno towards the hallway, “Don’t worry Koki’s just being a baka.”

Kazuya patted Junno’s back, “That’s right, there’s no curse. And besides Koki’s practically already confessed his undying love for you with that little out burst of his…even if he doesn’t realize himself yet. But that’s okay, soon enough he’ll come up to you and toss a flower in your face or something similar.”


“Now come on, let’s get out of Maru and Tat-chan’s romantic time.” Kazuya said and winked towards the new couple. “I’ll be sure to print out copies of these pics for you too. Now don’t be too naughty, you never know when Koki’s gonna walk by the room again.”

Maru and Ueda blushed heavily and watched as the three member filed out of the room.


*100 word-drabble Omake*

After tiptoeing around each other, about three weeks later, Koki waltz up to Junno - who was sitting in a corner playing his DS - and thrust a pure white gardenia into the taller man’s face. Junno, for once, immediately stopped playing his game and looked at Koki questioningly - a light blush adorning both their faces.

Koki’s eyes kept darting away and back to Junno, “Don’t say anything and just take it already.”

Junno took the single flower and smiled shyly, “Thank you.”


Meanwhile Kazuya chuckled quietly to himself from behind the doorway, camera in his hands.

“I told you so.”


GARDENIA: You're lovely, secret love, joy, sweet love, good luck.

As always Comments are Love <3.

kokunno, fanfic: multi-chapter, akame, maruda

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