(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 07:39

Title: Dreaming
Group/pairing: AkaKame
Prompt: #13 Future for je_prompts
Word Count: 487
Disclaimer: If you mean a red turtle pin cushion then yes I totally own akakame, but otherwise no the boys do not belong to me.

It used to be that he worked too much - taking on far too many jobs all at once - that he would only get one or two hours of sleep. But as he got older - and his place in the public eye became more and more concrete with each passing day - the reason of working became a convenient excuse in place of the real cause of why he chose to sleep minimally.

He didn’t want to dream anymore. And if he was lucky and kept himself moving and exhausted then it was possible he’d have dreamless nights.


When they were young, naïve, and in love all that mattered was the two of them. As long as they were together nothing else could get in their way. And he held dreams that it would always be that way.

But reality was never as one hoped and now that they were older - and still in love - they both learned that not all that mattered were the two of them. Neither were so naïve as to believe that they could survive with only each other anymore. And just like every adult had to, they learned to compromise and keep each other at arms length.

Yet deep down in his heart he knew that he had never changed. And the dreams he held back then were still the same he held on to in the present.


They were in a contemporary western style living room. Both were on the couch - one leaning against the armrest watching the falling leaves out the window and the other tucked between the first’s legs reading a book - covered by a soft fleece blanket. There was a soft glow about the room as the light began to dim with the setting sun.

He put down the book he was reading and snuggled into the warm chest he’d been leaning against. In front of the warm fireplace he vaguely noticed four sleeping dogs - two Pomeranians, a silver-grey Toy Poodle, and a small long-haired Dachshund - and smiled fondly. Loving arms wrapped around his thin body and pulled him close.

Tilting his head back he looked at the other and was greeted with a warm smile.

“Kazu.” The other whispered softly, “Aishiteru.”

And soft lips descended onto his own.

Eyes snapped open in the dark - his breathing slightly labored - as he lay completely still on his now too cold bed. Moisture was collecting along the side of his face, and he knew it wasn’t sweat. Slowly his arms moved to wrap themselves around his torso - the same places his hands were in the dream.

There was a soft whine beside him and his small dachshund nuzzled his face. He let out a quiet sob as the sight of the small dog reminded him of his dream once more and he brought her to his chest.


He still dreamed of a future that would always be just out of his grasp.


As always comments are love

akame, drabble, je prompts

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