(no subject)

Jul 19, 2008 06:37

Title: Beautiful Snowflake
Pairing/Characters: AkaKame
Rating: R(only chapter 4)
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own any of them
Summary: A first meeting between Jin and Kazuya who are watching the snowflakes fall and happen to meet each other.
Author's Notes: Update! Chapter 4 up!
Okay, so I meant to finish this fic by this chapter, but yeah...not happening. This is a totally happy chappie and is dedicated towards one of my co-workers as she wanted more fluff before the tragedy.

Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Alt-Cont Ending

Jin walked into the empty living room and sighed heavily. He neared a shelf and ran a finger along the spines of the multitude of books and smiled ruefully; Jun was gone. The second Jin took one step towards Kazuya’s fallen form earlier that morning instead of following Jun he knew that he’d never see the older being again. And though he missed the other angel’s presence it was okay; he made his choice after all. He’d chosen Kazuya forsaking everything else regardless of how much or little time they would have together.


Kazuya snuggled into the cocoon of warmth surrounding him. Inhaling deeply Kazuya sighed softly before his eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly. As the blanket fell off his chest Kazuya noticed he was only in his boxers and a button-up shirt that was a tad too big on him. His eyes scanned the room and he vaguely noticed his thin jacket hanging on the wall, but his breath hitched as he caught sight of a familiar black coat and thick black jacket next to his own. He looked around some more and saw Jin’s scarf on top of the dresser and his heartbeat quickened when he noticed a pair of familiar black leather gloves next to it. Stepping off the bed - blanket wrapped around his shoulders - Kazuya took a hesitant step towards the slightly open door. Just as he was about reach out for the knob the door was suddenly pushed open. Kazuya’s eyes were wide in disbelief as he looked at the man who had just walked into the room.

“Jin.” He whispered breathlessly

Jin smiled brightly at Kazuya. “You’re awake, that’s good. I was starting to get worried. Didn’t I say you’d get sick being out there in the cold?”

The memories of the night and week before swiftly came back to Kazuya and his eyes began to sting hotly. He looked up at Jin, his face screwed up in anguish. “But you didn’t come. I waited and waited but still you never showed up.” He sobbed out as the tears quickly ran down his face.

The smile fell from his face and Jin took a step towards Kazuya, but the smaller man just backed away. “Kazuya…I’m here now.” He said at a loss.

“Why? Why now!?” Kazuya hiccupped out and ferociously wiped at his eyes but the tears didn’t stop.

Backing the other man into the wall Jin reached out and pulled Kazuya into an embrace. “I’m sorry.” He whispered repeatedly and tightened his hold as Kazuya tried to pull away.

Eventually Kazuya stopped struggling against Jin and took to hitting the older man’s chest softly. His tears soaked into Jin’s shirt as he murmured almost inaudibly, “Don’t come back to me just to leave again.”

“I won’t go away again…” Jin said as he pushed the smaller man away and grasped the sides of Kazuya’s face, forcing him to look at Jin in the eyes. He gently swiped a thumb under Kazuya’s eyes - wiping away the tears - and smiled gently. “…and I came back because I love you.”

A fresh set of tears fell from Kazuya’s eyes and he flung his arms around Jin and buried his face in the crook of Jin’s neck. Jin pulled back a little and brought his hands up to wipe away the pearls of tears running down the younger man’s face once more. He grinned and rested his forehead against Kazuya’s as his arms moved to encircle Kazuya’s small frame. “Baka, don’t cry anymore.”

Kazuya let out a watery chuckle, “It’s your fault.”

“Sorry.” Jin began softly and pressed a light kiss to one of Kazuya’s eyes. “Really, really sorry.” He continued and placed a kiss to the other eye, then moved down to lightly peck Kazuya’s lips. “Forgive me?”

Kazuya shook his head. Jin leaned in for Kazuya’s lips once more and moved his lips sensuously against Kazuya’s, coaxing the other man to respond back. And just as he felt Kazuya’s lips move against his, Jin pulled back. “Please forgive me.”

Kazuya looked up at Jin and pouted, “You don’t play fair.”

Jin grinned cheekily, “But you love me right.”

Blushing, Kazuya nodded his head, “I do.” He said before raising himself onto his tiptoes, bringing their lips to meet again. “I really, really love you.” He murmured breathlessly against Jin’s lips.

“Kazuya.” Jin said between kisses, “We should stop. I won’t be able to hold back.”

“Then don’t.” Kazuya replied and pulled back slightly to look Jin in the eyes.

They slowly inched towards the bed, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Falling on the bed Kazuya reached out towards Jin. “You won’t.”

Jin leaned over Kazuya and brought a hand to his face. Kazuya leaned towards the touch and sighed softly as Jin ran his hand down Kazuya’s neck and along the curve of his torso. Bringing his head down to the curve of Kazuya’s neck Jin whispered hesitantly, “Are you sure?”

“Jin,” Kazuya began and wrapped his arms around the older man, “you talk too much.”

Grinning, Jin propped himself up onto his elbows. “Then you should find a way to stop me.”

“That can be arranged.” Kazuya said and pulled Jin down to kissed the other man deeply.

Jin groaned into the kiss and moved his hands to unbutton Kazuya’s shirt. Arching his back, Kazuya whimpered quietly as Jin lightly grazed one of his nipples while pushing the fabric aside. Kazuya let himself be pulled off the bed slightly and shrugged off the shirt. Jin left Kazuya’s lips and pecked a trail of kisses until he reached a pert, pink nipple. As Jin lapped sensuously at the nipple, his hands moved lower and lightly pulled at the waistband of Kazuya’s boxers; removing the small piece of cloth. Running a hand along Kazuya’s erection, Jin grinned as Kazuya let out a loud moan. He ground their hips together and sat up. Now straddling the smaller man Jin pulled off his own shirt.

Returning to claim Kazuya’s lips, Jin reached down to grasp Kazuya’s erection again. Jin coated his fingers with precum and reached lower to prod at Kazuya’s puckered opening. Groaning into Jin’s mouth, Kazuya slightly tensed at the intruding finger. Jin slowly moved his finger in and out a few times before adding another finger. Trembling, Kazuya gasped noisily and broke off the kiss. Jin pecked Kazuya lightly before scissoring his fingers deeper into the man beneath him. And as he added a third finger Kazuya suddenly shrieked as Jin’s fingers stroked the sensitive spot inside of him.

Jin paused worriedly, “Kazuya?”

Blinking his eyes open Kazuya bucked against Jin’s fingers and muttered lustfully, “More. I want all of Jin.”

Kazuya whimpered as Jin pulled his fingers out. The older man briefly got off Kazuya and kicked off his pants before positioning himself between Kazuya’s legs. Kazuya grabbed at the bed sheets as he felt Jin slowly fill him. After fully entering the man beneath him, Jin paused and waited for the tension to leave Kazuya’s body. Kazuya’s grip on the sheets began to loosen and moved his hips in small circles, “Move.”

Jin slowly began to thrust against Kazuya and reached out to entwine their hands. Their bodies moved together as one; the pace steadily increasing. The room was filled with gasps and moans as Jin and Kazuya neared their climax. Kazuya tensed suddenly and let out a loud scream as he came over his and Jin’s torso. Groaning Jin reached his own climax as Kazuya clamped around him. Pulling out, Jin collapsed next to Kazuya and raised a hand to brush a lock of hair out of Kazuya’s face. He wrapped his arms around Kazuya’s small form and brought his lips to Kazuya’s forehead. “I love you.” He murmured sleepily.

“Love you too.” Kazuya smiled tiredly and snuggled close to Jin; his eyes heavy with exhaustion. Kazuya had never been happier in his life.


For real this time though only one chapter left! ^o^
As always comments are love!

beautiful snowflake, fanfic: multi-chapter, fanfic: multi-chapter - completed

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