Happy April Fools' Day

Apr 01, 2007 01:05

I was going to write something ridiculous about breaking my neck or losing a leg for April Fools', but then I realized that most people probably dislike being caught in the awkward sympathetic situation as much as I do. So, nothing.

I'm not going to post a final college list, simply because it's exactly the same as the one in my previous post, but with Stanford in the rejected list. I'm waiting on UCSD Med Scholars, but for now it looks like Yale is the one.

April is here. April used to be one of my favorite months since it had both my birthday and spring break, but four years at North Hollywood has made me kind of ehh about it. APs and lack of spring break and all. I am excited about Oly State and Bowl Nationals though. I probably would not survive this semester if I didn't have something to look forward to every day.

I think I will eat some cereal. Frosted Mini Wheats are my favorite.


Remember Shia LaBeouf, the actor from Holes and Even Stevens? He's coming to Yale.

"LaBeouf wants to fly even farther below the radar by going off to college (he's been accepted at Yale) and experiencing life outside of acting for a while."
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