(no subject)

Mar 30, 2006 15:01

last missed call: Nikki
last recieved: Sally
last call made: Work
last text recieved: Nancy

what channel is the tv on: --
what song is playing: Hollow Years - Dream Theater
whats on the computer: LJ, AIM, iTunes
what is your backround: Cedric Diggory<3

type of pizza: Hawaiian
football team: Don't watch pro football.. college baby. <3
favorite shirt that you own: No fav.

sunrise or sunset: Sunset
pants or shorts: Pants
spring or fall: Spring
Baseball or basketball: Basketball
rug or tiled floor: Tiled
forks or spoons: Sporks
fruits or veggies: Fruits
beach or mountain: Both..but beach.

whats the time: 3:09 pm
whats the date: March 30, 2006
whats the day: Wednesday
light or dark out: Light
do you own a washing machine: Yes
do you own over 50 dvds or VHS: Um.. probably?
do you own a toaster: Yes
do you own a house with 2 floors: Nope

whats your favorite color? Green, pink, teal..
whats your name? Lilian, Lil, Lily, Lilykins, etc.

First piercing: Ears
First Crush: Cameron..something..from Kindergarten
Last car ride: Home from school
Last movie seen: Inside Man
Last food consumed: Daphne's Gyro Pita
Last CD played: DCFC
Last drink drank: Diet Pepsi

1) Fifth grade teacher's name? Mrs. Rasic
2) Last words you said? "Ok"
3) Last song you sang? FOB - Grand Theft Autumn
4) Last person you hugged? Don't remember.. oh! Sode! <3 sode.
5) Last time you cried? Umm..oh! Today in 4th..from laughing too hard
6) Last time you said I don't remember? ...I don't remember...
7) Last person you had a fight with? Mommy
8) Are you still fighting with them? nope
9) What color socks are you wearing? No socks :)
10) What's under you bed right now? Nothing
11) What time did you wake up today? 8:45 MA
13) Current hair color? Brown
15) Current annoyance? Broke.. :(
16) Current longing to see? Lots of people, lots of places
18) Current worry? college
19) Current hate? Nada
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