(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 22:24

So update time I guess since I have to do 3 chapter's worth of outlines, which are all due tomorrow plus read a chapter I didn't get to over the weekend. Summer school pretty much blows, even though this is the easy session.

Life is pretty chill, sleep, work, school, hang out, you know, the usual. I'm coming back this weekend for the birthday marathon that I'm really really excited about. Sometimes I wish I was back in LA cause I really miss you guys, but something tells me that staying up here was the better decision.

Last weekend I got my laptop stolen and I still hate this piece of crap. It gets better day by day though.

I got my two of my four wisdom teeth out two days ago. My face is swollen and it looks funny. I don't like Vicodin, it makes me dopey and unable to think. Sadly I need it to keep away the headache. I don't even know.

Things feel a little topsy turvy right now. A lot of things aren't the way they should be, but they are. People that never bothered me before are bugging me more than ever, and vice versa. I change my mind way too much.

I'm really excited for EDC also. June 30, then the day after is 19th birthday, then starts Ochem har har har.

I don't know what I'm talking about ignore me kbye.
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