Mar 10, 2011 02:37
If you speak of a democracy, some would go on to say it's the most fair form of government there is, others would say it's a form of government ruled by the people, but most would think of America. However, any sixth grade student will tell you, we are not really a democracy but a republic. A republic elected by the people sure, but a republic never the less. We have varying levels of republics from city, county, and state. Elected individuals we believe to have the people's best interests at heart. Whether we want to admit it or not, by default humans rarely ever have anyone's interests at heart but their own, no matter how altruistic they seem to be. Yet we pretend that these people are above that, with a firm hand shake they look us in the eye, always saying exactly what we want hear without really saying anything at all. The are professional liars, some we share similar views with so we choose to ally with them and hope they carry our voice with them wherever they go and however they vote. This is the way it's worked for over 200 years and I'll admit we haven't fallen yet, so there's something to be said for that. Yet, we ignore a simple truth, that no savvy entrepreneur could ever ignore. Why go through a middle man, when you can get to a product faster, more efficiently, and cheaper yourself?
There is a lot of talk of what our "Fore Fathers" would believe in, in how those who evoke their names, would presume to know how they would react in our modern world as if the problems of yesterday are easily the same as today. Let's not forget they gave us the ability to change those very ideals to adapt as the world changes, as technology changes, as people change. I believe we've have finally evolved pass a republic, we've entered a new level, the next step and that is what we've always strive towards; a true democracy. A democracy where we can make our own choices without the need to own land, be male, or white. Where education is not a privilege afforded only by the rich, but a necessity for all our citizens. In the past, the need for representation was clear, uneducated individuals without a means of efficient communication would slow this country's productivity to a halt and a bill would require years to pass and not months, now the need for representation is a burden. The citizens of the united states, know what they want, they're here to make their own decisions for them, not the decisions for whoever "contributes" the most money to their campaign or what special interests require "more attention". What better way for less government than to abolish all representatives and vote for ourselves on the issues that matter to most of us, not to the least of us. If you truly believe in truth of the individual, then what better way to express it than with one vote, one voice? If you truly believe that the needs of the many out weigh the few, then what better way than with a majority vote?
The journey to get their will be hard and nearly impossible, after all would you vote for you to lose your job, your power, your lifestyle... even if it means what's best for the country? Not to mention the majority of us don't even care enough to educate ourselves on the issues of our country, but we will in time. Reform on this scale will be nothing short of revolutionary. People will argue and people with laugh, as they should.. no change should ever go into effect without questioning the ramifications and motives. This doesn't mean it's not possible, this doesn't mean we shouldn't try, this only means it will be hard. Say what you will about the American work ethic, but never underestimate the American spirit. I believe the time is now to step it up, to bring America to it's full glory. After all, if we don't lead by example, to truly live free, then we're all just waiting to die.