fuck you bitch good bye!

Apr 08, 2004 00:05

What kind of person starts off a sentence saying "my friends tell me that I look really pretty in make up" or "I really have a great singing voice" or "Do you find me attractive? My friends tell me that I have a natural beauty"? I know, because I had to go home with this person for the last 12 weeks every tuesday and sometimes wednesday. Her name is Prudence... Think of that name really hard now, what comes to mind? If you thought of a fat and ugly girl, you're right on the nail.

By now I probably sound like an asshole, but I have my reasons. Ever met one of those people who just think that they know everything, who compliment themselves, who is very outspoken, who needs to be heard by everyone to draw attention to themself, and who tries to TOP EVERYTHING that you say? Do you know a person like that? If you said no, then please contact me, because I really think that she's in dire need of friends. Spending outside time of class with this girl has made me learn to despise her. But does she know that? No, because I was too nice to say anything rude to her.

Apparently from what she says, people love her and find her extremely attractive since her friends always set her up on blind dates, as well as she's always being hit on at the club. A girl getting hit on at a club, thats a huge surpirse! <-sarcasm
If she claims to be beautiful and lovable then there must be something terribly wrong with me because I find her ugly and annoying. As well she knows so much about smoking weed, yet shes never done it before. Did you know the reason why marijauna was going to be legalized was because all the lawyers smoke weed? Do you know how she knows that? It's because she works with a lawyer that smokes weed. Wow I guess if you know one lawyer then you know all!!! <--sarcasm. I would of thought that the community of ontario would vote or have some kind of poll to legalize or decriminalize it, I guess I'm wrong, but then again I'm always wrong when it comes to her.

And she goes on and on about everything. Even if you don't show the slightest bit of intrest of what she's talking about she will still keep talking. And if you're not talking to her, she'll turn to the next person and start a conversation with them, a complete stranger.As well I guess you can say that we sort of had a debate, but did she let me present my side of the argument, no because everytime I spoke a few words she'd interrupt me or spoke over because she was "always" right. What the fuck is the point of having a conversation with someone if you're the only one talking and listening to yourself? How was it that I had to meet this kind of person?

Ok so I put up with her kilos of bullshit that she fed me for the last twelve weeks, I thought that I could endure and I did. But of course that couldn't be the end of it, she couldn't be someone I just met and forgot. But no. So were sitting on the bus yesterday and theres no conversation what so ever and this is how it goes:

P: Wanna keep in touch
M: Hmm, Do you have msn?
P: I do but I don't use it
M: Fine, do you want my number?
P: OK!
*writes down number
*enters number in cell phone, later followed by a delete
P: Great!
M: Great...

Maybe she didn't get the hint but I did not want to keep in touch with her. Just when I thought I'd see the last of her, she had to ask me that question. And I knew deep down she would. And now another predicament, what do I say when she does call me? Because if I haven't made it clear I'd rather not associate myself with her at all.

Anyone that thinks I'm being a little bit rough or harsh on this person, tell me.
So I can introduce you to her.
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