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May 27, 2009 11:24

I Had a good weekend. Nothing compared to the weekend before (WHICH WAS AWESOME!!!), but still pretty good ^__^

Thursday night: Got home and unpacked some stuff that I had taken back from the dorms (I had so much stuff that i didn't even use while i was here) since schools almost out, i had to start thinking about moving back. I dont wanna goooooo ;;;;;;( at least not back to living with my mom ) ;; she actually tried to give me a bed time, she came into my room at 11pm telling me that she had already told the girls(my 16 and 12 year old sisters), to go to bed so that i should be going to bed too. -____-  I started laughing thinking she was joking...she was not.  She got pretty mad but it blew over the following day.

Friday: Got to finally see Bonnie and Andrea who i hadnt seen or talked to in a couple months, and together with Brian, Jose and Nicole we all went out to Nickel Nickel(the arcade of my childhood) and hung out XD  It was pretty fun, playing unlimited Ms. Pac-Man, a couple games of DDR, some House of the Dead II, and finally my favorite Air Hockey ^__^ Everyone had fun, we hadnt been to an arcade in forever so that helped kill the monotony.  We also had some In-N-Out after which was delicious as always XDD

Saturday: was supposed to go to the lake with my neighbors and go ON A BOAT, LIKE A BOSS XD but the mother decided that she wanted to take the whole family to the beach after work...which was at like 3:30pm T__T I had wanted to go so I could actually get in the water but i knew that it would be too cold by the time we actually got there. We were also supposed to go eat there, so i decided that i would wait and wat when we got there...but she didnt get out til almost five so i was hungry and mad at her for not letting me go earlier to the Lake.  But it all turned out good, we ate AWESOME food and walked around the boardwalk.  Got ice-cream and watched my little bro play in the sand(which he got all over my mom when he decided that it should rain sand so close to the towel she was sitting on) XDDD It was cold, like i told my mom it would be, but i felt that there was a little bit of justice in how she couldnt even stand to be there for 5 minutes before she was whining for us to go (yes, SHE  was the one whining) XDD

Monday: went to sixflags ^____^ and got to go on the new Terminator ride ;D so freakin bad-ass, I also got to go on X-2 which was pretty awesome too, I laughed so much that day at all the stupid things my brother said, at memories long forgotten by me but brought up by my siblings, at some of the things people say as they wait in line for rides, and just at the look on my youngest sisters face(who had never been there before) when she got off of Colossus ride, looking scared shitless but excited at the same time XDDDD Good times...which is not something I can usually say after spending the day with my family but a welcoming sentiment, all the same.

Now I have to calm down and crack down on some homework, I have an 8-10pg research paper due tomorrow and I am nowhere near finished with it...havent even started really, so i got to get on that.

like a boss, nickel nickel, in-n-out, beach, six flags, terminator, on a boat

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