Thanksgiving Break aftermath

Dec 01, 2008 14:01

OK the damage is done.....i am officially a fat ass XDDD I managed to eat at FIVE different homes on Thanksgiving and went to another dinner the day after LOLOLOL It wasn't about the food...not was mostly an opportunity to visit my friends that i hadn't seen in forever.  But as soon as I got there, they all tried to feed me, so i just had a little of everything >.> so i wouldn't be rude XDDD but yeah, it was fun, I was able to see, hang out, and talk with most of my really close friends.  Now, in order to stop feeling so guilty, I'm going to have to hit the gym XD

On another note, my cold hasn't gone away yet but being sick has never stopped me from going to school, doing my work, and finishing projects so if anything it'll only be a nuisance.  I skipped math class before going home for Thanksgiving Break so I 'll probably have to take some time to catch up with what i missed there.  I only have one class today and it is not 'til 5pm so i should have time to get all my things together. 
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