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May 09, 2006 16:04

So how long has it been, one or two months since I've last written? It doesn't matter, I'm just glad I'm getting a chance to update it now. Well a lot has happened, the main thing I can remember is getting my permit and now being able to start driving. I'm so happy! By next year I'll have my drivers licence. You know what that means...Road Trip! Soon I'll get a job then a car and then there wont be any thing to stop me Muwahahaha. Well until then I'll just have to keep going to my driving appointments. My next one is on Tuesday June 6, that gves me about a month to bug my parents to take me out driving. Yesterday at like two o'clock I went on my second driving session and the drving instructor kept stepping on the gas pedal. It's bad enough I'm scared to death of crashing and this guy was just laughing at me when I got all freaked out. Yesterday was also my first time on the freeway and I got to admit it was a lot easier than in the street, no intersections to worry about and I can go as fast as I want, or as fast as the instructor lets me. It was fun.

Anyways, I've been thinking about all the movies that are coming out and I've finally come to the conclussion that I'm going to be very broke after May. There's Silent Hill, Mission Impossible 3, Davinci Code, X-Men 3, and then Nicole had to go and show me a trailor for Pirates of the Caribbean that doesn't come out 'til July 7. I'll kill her. It's almost as bad as when she got me all into The Lord of the Rings, made me watch the first two movies and then told me I had to wait 'til December to see the last one. Those were the longest 3 months of my life. Its not so bad though, she had to wait years before it came out and I got to watch the first two right after the other.

Yay, no more testing. I'm finally done with all of my AP Exams. Know I don't have to worry about Spanish or History. I can't complain about spanish though, but the AP European Test was hard. I felt like I was taking a test for a class I had never attended. Not that I didn't learn anything, but how do they expect us to remember so much? I'm just happy its all over. Now all I have to worry about is passing my English and Math classes.
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