May 17, 2005 15:16
HhMmmm.....the high and low pointz of my day.....if im not sure the color will be blue
Madrigal/Minnisinger tryoutz 3rd period...(i dont think ima make it...uhg)
Sub in history...4th period
Right after 4th period....Christain asked me out 2 lunch for thursday or sunday (on a date)
A lil after 4th was 5th period..Melody, Amir, n I got tardies 4 being late 2 class (BIG FAT 0)
5th period- got a D on my examen...(i knew it)
Right After 5th period...found out the guy i like (who supposedly likez me 2) is moving
A LiL after5th period but still before 6th period...found out every1 already knew cept 4 me
6th period- swimming (wuppie)
LUNCH- my stalcker started stalking me again....uhg
7th period- another sub...we watched spanish soapapraz on tv
how pathetic...swimming n soapapraz in spanish were my high pointz...uhg!!!!