**Found this because of the case below this one**
The following stories has been plagiarized by user
cbefanfic on tumblr:
Full Court Press by
http://cbefanfic.tumblr.com/post/45290659875/chapter-list-x-beyond-the-baseline(Note: title was and names were changed)
From Harvard to Whoredom by
http://cbefanfic.tumblr.com/post/24144480185/chapter-list(Note: this is a copy of old version of the story; Midnight.Moonlight.Mirage has since edited the chapters, so this is no longer a word for word copy; title was changed from "From Harvard to Whoredom" to "Guardian of Love")
Her other story (
50 Shades of Brown) appears to be her own since I found no matches through a Google search.
This concerns the work of the following Fictionpress users: