Mar 23, 2011 09:21

Light powers: As the Knight of Light, Dave has powers over fortune, luck, and light itself. He can briefly move at up to the speed of light (but no faster, and only for a fraction of a second. Of course, a fraction of a second is all he needs. Basically he can cover about fifty feet of distance at light speed and no more.) He is oddly lucky - bullets don't hit home, they just graze him, blades miss, money falls into his lap. Like all fortune, it's fickle, and doesn't always work the way he needs or wants it to, but for the most part it's on his side. Finally, David can manipulate light to make basic mirages and illusions (nothing terribly complex; he can't perfectly replicate a person or even a tree but he can bend stuff around corners and make things shimmer or otherwise difficult to see) and focus light into freakin laz0r beams.
Horrorterror powers: David sold his soul to a horrorterror named Yggdrasil (not that he had much choice, since it was predestined and she kind of stalked him from birth). This gives him terrifying powers comparable to Rose Lalonde in canon. Observe. His are focused around his sword, the Spiral Stairmitar, and generally take the form of getting up close and personal and cutting shit like buildings and meteors in half, but still! They also make him look goddamn terrifying when he's using them. further examples. That last one isn't something he can do as he's more melee based, just an example of the kind of power we're dealing with here. That is. A lot.
Sylladex: It's magical hammerspace.
Items: Dave has a bunch of weird crap made using weird magical handwavey tools from his own universe. List is here - he won't have Ultravioletence or the Smoking Mirror since he hasn't created those yet. He'll be equipped with the Spiral Stairmitar and Lensing Aegis and wearing the Blackest Knight and Midknight Cape. IN ADDITION, he has:
-- Hubtop Cans - a self-powered hands-free computing device and kicking sound system ALL IN ONE.
-- One copy of House of Leaves, heavily annotated and scribbled in. Specifically, the word MEOW is written over and over again in it in bright purple ink.
-- A plushie of Falcor from the Neverending Story.
A teenage mutant ninja turtles action figure.
-- Brightlight Vodka - Glow in the dark vodka that may or may not be safe to drink.

Yggdrasil: So those horrorterror powers! They come from having an ELDRITCH ABOMINATION FROM BEYOND SPACE wrapped around his soul. Specifically: imagine if the house from House of Leaves was a sentient being (wiki it. You can do it. Come on). [SPOILERS HAVE BEEN CUT HERE]. Yggdrasil's goal is to take over Dave's body and use that as a way to actually destroy Sburb completely, and in turn the entire universe, thereby (in her eyes) freeing everyone from the torment of predestination.
For purposes of this game, Yggdrasil will start out VERY distant and unable to actually speak to David. He can still draw on her power, and he can feel what she wants from him in a distant way, but she'll have no control. However, it's possible that game events in the future may let her take more control, or allow her to take over entirely. As she gets closer to Dave, she will slowly drive him insane. Yggdrasil's powers include complete control over spacial dimensions and the ability to drop people into vast extradimensional labyrinths.
Yggdrasil herself has some major weaknesses, the biggest being love (this is canon for House of Leaves I swear, one of the characters escapes the house because another who truly loves him comes to save him). Dave's love for his friends keeps her power at bay; should he ever cut himself off from them, it's possible he'll lose himself completely, and equally possible that his friends can bring him back from that brink.


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