Jun 14, 2010 23:18
People have been vocally and insistently critical of what has become of MTV. While desperately holding out hope during a wait for the premiere of a new Seth Green series, I sat through the movie awards. Votes for the various award categories were from the viewing audience.
I have little hope for the future. While I am no fan of the Harry Potter series, along with James Cameron's Avatar, there had to be something that would prevent the best movie award from going to that god awful Twilight series! Come on!
The books and movies are utter garbage and do nothing to promote literature or the preservation of the mythos Bram Stoker worked so hard to invent. Culture is dying and what is replacing it isn't culture. It is the trivialization of the intellect, along with the death of imagination.
I pray for something that proves me incorrect. But holding up a copy of any Twilight novel or DVD of a film based on the story is merely evidence of the fact that people have no interest in the challenges of the mind. Spoon fed pablum is now the benchmark for mass entertainment, and catering to 14 year old girls who invest more time in aligning themselves with the primary male cast members proves the state of Hollywood has been bankrupted.
Fuck MTV. Fuck Twilight, its author and fan base. And fuck everyone who went along quietly for the ride.