Feb 18, 2010 00:28
This topic has probably already been beaten to death with a stick tenfold, but I was sitting around one day (probably today because I do it often), lacking inspiration and decided, on impulse, to go and browse through random people's favorites (I'm really hoping that I'm not the only person that does this, because it might constitute as stalking in some of the more stable minds). Well, I'll be honest and say I was rather surprised that most of the stories that are really popular entail the same sort of cliches:
-Girl is unpopular, boy is popular. Boy notices unpopular girl and falls in love with her on the grounds that she's unpopular/vaguely cute or on the grounds that he's nurturing some sort of martyr complex and takes pity on her? (Just speculation, here).
-Girl is fat, comes back and is hot. Boy that didn't notice her before automatically loves her because there was just something so fabulous underneath all that blubber.
Those are two that I sort of noticed on my nomadic perusing. I also noticed a lot of snarky summaries and almost ALL of them took place in a high school setting.
I'm not really review-hungry, but it's unsettling as a writer (who, yes, envisions getting some con-crit on her work to better her writing) to see the same story over and over again in just a different writing style or setting or with a character that has a vaguely different hair color than another character in another regurgitated-plot story.
So, I have a few questions, some of which may be irrelevant to my topic:
1. I'm a relatively new writer on FP (just made my account about a month ago, maybe less), so has it always been the same high school cliches that are really popular?
2. Are my observations correct? Are the popular genres really only the ones that have the same characters, the same cliches, the same plot twists as all the rest on FP?
3. (this might not be allowed, but I'll risk it anyway) It's very hard to find good period drama romances (like Regency, Georgian, Victorian)...is there a certain community on FP that might direct me to these types of stories?
I mean no harm by this rant, so if I injured anyone's delicate feelings...I offer my apologies.
Profusely. :)
[By the way, I've just recently joined this comm, so it's good to come here and see that I'm not the only one who gets irritated by certain things. Until now, I thought I was the only malcontent on fictionpress. :)]