I followed a trail here via nicked_metal, who linked to your post on the pregnancy pact, and read this. While I certainly can't accuse you of not thinking your position through, I have to agree with the commenter above who put their finger on a fallacy. My other qualm with your argument is that it gives no mention whatsoever of the human being whose ability to determine her own future is intimately bound up in the fate of the potential future human being--the pregnant woman. I don't feel any argument about the morality or immorality of abortion is complete if it focuses solely on the fetus. Morality is rarely black and white. Ignoring the woman enables one to pretend it's black and white, but it's a pretty glaring omission. If you didn't intend this challenge for a total stranger, I understand.
You have nothing to learn from me, since there is no way anything I have to say would break through to you. You have all the ideological barriers invented by modern heresies firmly in place, and even if I explained my points ten times over, it would be to no purpose.
I read your point and felt it was lacking, but if you don't want to explain your view as it relates to the role of the pregnant woman, I can't make you. You have a pretty convenient way of disqualifying the views of anyone who disagrees with you, but it's your journal and you're allowed to do that if you want. Take care.
I have as well. There are a lot of walls out there. I don't tend to think of myself as one and I am interested in what you have to say even though, let's not kid ourselves, I probably won't agree with it, but I'm not going to beg you to answer me if you're not so inclined.
The pregnant woman only serves as a red herring to drag us off the trail. If the foetus is a human being, as I argued, then to kill it is murder. Thou shalt not kill. The foetus' dependency on its mother, from that point of view, would make its killing more and not less heinous; since the more a creature is weak and helpless and dependent on us, the more villainous it is to abuse or kill it. People who abuse or kill pets are not only villainous, but despicable as well, just because domestic animals depend on us for their welfare. It is not just a crime, but an act of cowardice. If the creature that is dependent is also and at the same time a human being, the act worsens not just in degree but in kind, because of the universal prohibition against murder. The abuse and murder of a child is universally agreed to be worse even than the abuse and murder of an adult, just because of this dependency and the extra moral claim it makes of us. And to restrict this demand of natural morality to the moment the child comes out of the womb
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