41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was an hungred, and ye refused me even the least help until you had treated me as a scrounger and a thief and gave a lengthy account of what your blind eyes saw as my failures and immoralities: I
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I have noticed that those who actually have to deal with the underclasses, year after year, often develop an awfully negative view of them. While, as I said, there are legitimate cases where help would be appropriate, all too often what it turns into is, de facto, enablement of asocial, if not actively anti-social, behavior patterns. I racked my life up beyond all repair playing an unhappy, unwilling enabler to two mentally-tweaked, selfish alcoholics, and got ripped out of tens of thousands of dollars by worthless tenants protected by well-meant laws favoring them over landlords, and my give-a-damn is well and truly busted.
How much money was thrown at "Baby P"'s mommy? How many times did social workers call? Did it do the little fellow one bit of good?
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