
Never trust a lawyer

Aug 16, 2010 23:00

It was once possible to believe that Ann Coulter was, if not either couth or convincing, at least convinced; that what she said, she believed. I even once had an argument with someone on the issue. Well, as far as I am concerned that was disproved to the hilt by her behaviour in the last election, where that supposed maenad of the movement right aimed all her slings and arrows at John McCain - even going on the record as saying that he was more liberal than HIlary Clinton! - while promoting, as the hero of the conservative conscience, none other than the sleazy, conscienceless, thousand-faced deal-maker Mitt Romney!

For anyone who wanted to see, that should have been the sign that this posturing professional of aggression and insult was in the pocket of the party establishment, the RINOs and Rowes, and that her game was to keep conservative anger stoked while herding it along safe, establishment-friendly ways. Anyone who supports Romney - or Giuliani, for that matter - cannot possibly be a serious conservative. Even the poor excuse that his shameless performance as Governor of Massachusetts was dictated by the complexion of that state holds no water: Romney had no need to look for the governorship of Massachusetts, of all the States of the Union. How about Utah, for instance, the Mormon homeland, whose winter Olympics he was reputed to have saved? And this was the man Coulter promoted to her readers as the champion of conservative causes.

Now, however, it has to be impossible to hold any illusion about her genuineness. Anyone who does not agree that she is a party hack eagerly in the service of party management must be wilfully blind. Some of us still remember one of her low points, when she made a nasty joke about John Edwards, with the clear implication that, one, Edwards was homosexual, and, two, that this made him contemptible (http://fpb.livejournal.com/231050.html). Well, now it seems that homosexuals are only contemptible if they are Democrats. Republican homosexuals are fine, upstanding members of the community, whose money she is glad to take as keynote speaker in a meeting. What a complete fake.

republican folly and corruption, hypocrisy, ann coulter, american politics

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