...the Pope ought to have cancelled his visit to Britain and said why. Now we are having a growing number of problems, most of which can be traced back to that ludicrous abomination that is the British ruling class:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/7797988/Popes-visit-to-Britain-in-disarray-as-costs-spiral-to-14m.htmlhttp://www.spectator.co.uk/essays/all/6051093/the-papal-visit-is-in-jeopardy.thtmlhttp://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2010/jun/10060816.htmlPart of this disaster is self-induced: the English episcopate has been suffering for decades with a lust to get the approval, not only of the world - and Our Lord had already warned us about that - but of that particularly odious, corrupt, ridiculous and grotesque part of the world which is the English establishment. They are all Blairites now; and the results may be seen in the day to day management of the Church. Add to that the growing hatred felt for the Church by the gang of liberticides and libertines that misrules this country - a hatred which has been growing since they witnessed the phenomenon of John Paul II's funeral, which proved to their faces, in a way even they could not ignore, that the Church was strong and growing - and you have a real recipe for disaster. I repeat: the Pope should cancel this visit and say why. As for the great John Henry Newman, he should be beatified in Rome; a more suitable place for it, and one where the publicity-seekers and the BBC are not apt to make trouble.
OT, but not really: this is what happens at the end of the road of Political Correctness: