Feb 08, 2010 21:46
1) With all the grief there is in your past and in your body, it's just amazing what you are managing to do with yourself. You are bright, wonderfully well read and astonishingly funny, and there is a reason why you have friends.
2) Although your affectations do sometimes invite sarcasm, you are a good person from top to bottom and from left to right. It just comes out and you can't help it. Even your occasional roars of anger and cynicism are not very scary. You are, in Screwtape's words, one of those lamentable English people who loudly proclaim that nothing could be too bad for the enemy, and then take in the first downed German aircraft pilot who knocks at their back door and give him tea.
3) You are an inspiration. When one considers your background and health, what you have achieved in a short period of time is beyond incredible. I am a firm believer in your ability to do whatever you set your mind to, and you know it well. To know you is a heart-warming experience and a salve against cynicism.
4) Your monumental talent is matched by amazing integrity and existential courage. You have never dodged a challenge in your life, and the result is an artist with the wisdom of an eighty-year-old and the vivacity of a child.
5) Everything you say and do makes me happy. I was surprised to learn of your difficulties with a member of your family, because, to me, you are both so warmly sunny in temperament and so generous in behaviour, that vindictive and selfish attitudes would, I thought, have been disarmed by you. Well, who knows. But you are an amazing person and I wish you a lifelong and happy marriage.
6) You won my permanent affection with the very first post you sent me, and nothing has changed since. We disagree on most things, and I am always troubled by all the trouble you find yourself in, but remember that I am on your side, always and no matter what.
7) When one considers background, one wonders how yours could have produced a person of such wisdom, tolerance, humility, intelligence, wit, and, oh, did I mention wisdom? You are wonderful to know and do more honour to some of the groups you belong to than they deserve.
8) You are remarkably strong, absurdly talented, and you have great taste in friends. And I wish I knew you better.
9) After so many rows and disagreements and breaks, it's a wonder that we still talk - especially that you talk with me. But I can't help it; whatever else happens, your genius and your personal kindness always disarm me.
10) You were born with class, and have done nothing but improve on it since. Your amazing ability to go your way, completely ignoring surrounding pressure, and to impose your very high standards on everything you do or concern yourself with, is matched by your beauty, intellect, and articulacy. You are only a bit too modest for your own good.
To the many people I wished to cover but could not - sorry! The meme prescribes no more than ten entries.