Jan 28, 2010 09:07
A couple of years ago I deleted and eventually banned someone for horrid and strangely unselfconscious Jew-bashing. ("Well, of course it's true that Jews danced in the streets when the Twin Towers went down, and I can't imagine why you should say that I am prejudiced against Jews! I'm a very put-upon person!")
Since then this same person has resurfaced as a rabid Snapefan/Slytherfan, convinced that Hogwarts is a horrible brainwashing place, that Snape was a true hero, and that everyone from Albus Dumbledore to Neville Longbottom is varying degrees of evil and/or brainwashed. Oh, and that there was nothing discernibly wrong about blood prejudice and the Voldemort movement.
"By their fruit ye shall know them."
sense of entitlement