1. You're a handsome devil. What’s your name?
You're a &%*$£@><[]+!!! liar. And what's the matter, can't you read?
2. Ever write under any other name?
Charles Dickens, fpb, and one I keep secret for stuff I'm ashamed of.
3. Look around you. How did you end up here?
Moved last January from Hackney
4. Favourite line from the song you're listening to right now, or last listened to?
Bob Dylan "Ring them bells":
Ring them bells St. Peter
Where the four winds blow,
Ring them bells with an iron hand
So the people will know.
Oh it's rush hour now
On the wheel and the plow
And the sun is going down
Upon the sacred cow.
Or Bette Midler, "Wing beneath my wings" (slightly modified):
Did you ever know that you're my heroine
And everything I wish I had been?
If I can fly higher than an eagle,
You are the wind beneath my wings.
5. What's the last movie you saw that inspired something ficcish in you?
Disney's FANTASIA. (I did not say it was the first time I'd seen it - more like the twentieth or thirtieth - but it never fails to inspire me.)
6. Is there a character you'd like to write, but can't-- and why the hell can't you?
The Founders. Can't think of anything interesting to say about them.
7. We all hate favourite questions, I know, but-- who's your favourite character (a) to read? (b) to write?
To read: all of them except Voldemort, whom I regard as JKR's only artistic failure. To write: my own characters, also Narcissa Malfoy for some reason.
8. Who's your least favourite character (a) to read? (b) to write?
To read: probably Gilderoy Lockhart. Not that he is not an artistic success, but there is something about that kind of humour that makes me cringe, and I don't know what it is. To write: probably some of the less distinct background characters such as Madam Hooch or Pansy Parkinson. But that's probably just because I haven't thought of a hook for them yet. (Actually, I managed a decent Pansy drabble once.)
9. Is there a story you'd like to write, but can't-- and why can't you?
I am having agonizing trouble moving my chaptered fics forwards. Other than that, there is one thing called "Red hair" where the inspiration has pretty much vanished.
10. What's a title you've always wanted to use, but haven't had the opportunity yet?
Something grossly defamatory of the FA mods, by name.
11. What was the first story you ever completed, and what do you think of it now?
Long ago and far away, and I had an older friend who tore it to pieces and did me more good in terms of learning to write than anyone else ever.
12. What was the last story you completed, and what do you think of it now?
It was all on account of the little Russian girl. It does not quite achieve what I meant it to, and I am rewriting it.
13. Where do you do most of your writing?
At my computer at home.
14. Do you have any fic taboos?
Not so much any taboos as that I have a strong feeling against writing work that is, as a whole, morally out of kilter with the way I see the world. I mean to say, for instance, that I would not write more than a certain amount of fics featuring homosexuality or incest or bestiality, because I think the people who practice this sort of thing are a minority, and in particular, I would not make every other character gay. Of the HP characters, two I have cast as incestuous (the Malfoys) and three as homosexual (Harry, Moody and Minerva McGonagall - my Umbridge is bi) and I will not do any more, because I want a world which reflects, on the whole, reality as I experience it. The reverse is that there is literally nothing I won't write if I think it is possible in terms of real life. My fic My father features a situation so horrible that at least one reader literally did not want to believe the end. But it is something which I think is a possiblity, so I have made use of it.
15. What made you start writing fic? Were you filled with creative juices, or was it a random act of plot correction?
I started writing and drawing comics when I was prevented from learning music. And I started writing fanfic when I decided to stop trying for a career in comics. Outlet for creative instincts.
16. Who has influenced your style the most?
Everything I read I learn from, and as I have devoured books with a passion since I was a child, I cannot really point to any single writer. Chesterton would be as good as any, I guess.
17. What is the sexiest word?
Debbie. Especially when followed by Wallace. (Just kidding.) Terms to do with warmths, smoothness, smile and softness are all nice.
18. What is the least sexy word?
19. What's the word you use too much/often?
I have a miserable habit of repeating words or expressions within two or three sentences of each other, and I never catch them out until the bloody story is in print or on the net.
20. You're a writer. By definition you are plagued and pursued by images. So what image is burned into your brain right now?
My OC, the Silver Angel, charging into battle among storms of fire and thunder.
21. If you were going to write professionally under an assumed name, what would that name be?
And I would tell you?
22. If you'd made out this survey, what question would you have asked that I didn't?
What are you trying to achieve with your writing, if anything?