There is one tremendous and widespread mistake about atheism: that is, that it is not a religion - that it somehow even opposes religion. Many of us, including many Christians, accept this claim implicitly, using the nouns "atheism" and "religion" as opposites.(
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2. "...its first chapter has the Spirit of God hovering over a pre-existent primordial mass which it simply puts in order, ..."
Really? Interesting. I'd always read that to mean God first created the heaven and the earth and then put in order the primordial mass ("the earth without form, and void") that resulted from Genesis I:1.
3. "I regard all these neo-paganisms as religious masturbation."
4. "...occasional Christian claims that all previous religions except Hebraism were ran by demons;"
On that subject: if not by demons, by what did (or do) Christians reckon that previous religions were run? I.e. do Christians (especially, for present purposes, Catholic Christians) believe that the pagan gods are real supernatural beings of some sort, or purely imaginary constructs?
5. If atheism (as I fully concur) is not the opposite of religion, what is?
4. I do not think there is any specific Catholic teaching on this matter. Many Fathers took the living and aggressive paganism of their day to be powered by demons; they were facing something present and powerful, and took reports of miracles at shrines and such very seriously, so they could not but suspect demonic activity behind it. ON the other hand, Eusebius argued that all previous religious ideas had at least important features that were Praeparatio Evangelica, and wrote a gigantic historical work on this theme. But it must not be forgotten that Eusebius, however zealous and hard-working, died in the Arian heresy, and that his views may have been affected by its ( ... )
Hard to get more evil than what folks can come up with.
Driven by that inborn idea of what is right--sometimes cast in a negative light, sadly-- folks make religions.
Now, the supernatural actions-- THOSE, being from a supernatural source other than God (or his angels; same dif) would be demonic.
Sadly, this assumes that the reader accepts things outside of their knowledge that are able and willing to act in supernatural manners.
I also generally try to avoid that kind of an article-- even with the massive free time I have right now, I don't have the time for the trolls.
About the closest I've gotten was a post on personal conversations on levels of evil.
Given your level of brainpower, I'd be interested in your response-- here or there, as is easy.
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