Feb 16, 2008 06:13
Last night my central heating, after working properly for less than a week in the last three months, broke down again. In the fuckin' coldest night of the winter so far. When I found out, I started screaming and smashing everything I could lay my hands on. An exaggerated reaction? After having three months and my bank account wrecked by the miserable machine, I think not! It some damned Czech brand that people do not seem able to cope with, and my landlord, in spite of some basic goodwill, is an Indian and wastes an awful lot of time finding fellow-countrymen he trusts to do the job - result, last time I had to wait for weeks between each visit of his chosen repairman. Who, to judge by this, hasn't done such a hot job either. This has been ruining my life: I spent a fortune on electric stoves and gas to keep the house warm, I had to keep my studio (where the heater is) half dismantled so that the never-turning-up repairman could get at the bastard machine, I spent hours just waiting for the guy, and every day I had to spend three hours boiling water on the hob just to be able to wash. And dear God in Heaven, now it's started again.
personal disasters