I suddenly realized the reason for the fad for the Sorry Trinity - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hutchens. By all sane critical standards, their criticism of what they call "religion" is astonishingly incompetent; much worse than the notorious pamphlet by Bertrand Russell that gave Christian apologists so much matter for mirth and so
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I'm not sure I follow you about erotic literature. Certainly the abusive obscenity in Catullus and Juvenal, though not without entertainment value, nowhere rivals Vergil. But Catullus' earlier love poems to Lesbia/Clodia (e.g. "Vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus") and his later disillusioned poems about her (e.g. "Nulli se dicit mulier mea nubere malle") seem to me as great as anything Vergil ever wrote (and I'm a big Vergil fan). Then there's book 4 of the Aeneid... But it could be I'm reading "erotic" in a different way than you intend.
But then we seem to be well on our way to abandoning the distinction between high art and trivial art altogether, and anthologies like the one you describe are typically put together by those who would actively foster this development. Essentially, we're being conditioned to believe that pop culture isn't just every bit as good as "high" culture, it's the only real culture there is, because every idiot can grasp it. No Moron Left Behind. After all, the truths of life and reality don't have much market value these days.
(Don't mind me; I'm reading Blaise Pascal while semiconscious with the flu, which is possibly a dangerous combination.)
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