
You couldn't make it up dept. no.61: It can't fly 'cause it ain't got no wings

May 04, 2007 18:14

For the last five days Bombay's densely trafficked roads have been the hosts to a stationary 30-metre long wingless Boeing 737

The airplane's final destination is said to have been the Bombay aeronautical academy. The truck driver may have been unfamiliar with the Chembur district; he found himself in front of an overpass too low for his cargo and he couldn't turn back.

The driver then disappeared leaving both the truck and the fuselage. He has wisely managed not to be found since. The local authorities are bewildered and ashamed: the origin of this huge special cargo is still unknown, the citizens of the zone are quite annoyed by the presence of this blockade that creates yet more traffic jams on already crowded roads, while others are making of this road a tourist attraction.

The truck can't go forward or back and no one seems to want claim it or its cargo.

UPDATE: the truck and content seem now to have been moved.

you couldn't make it up dept.

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