Jun 30, 2006 19:36
The first thing the BBC commentator said of Italy (three times world champion and so on) is that we "bought referees - allegedly."
Subhuman scum.
If you want to see why I am furious, check out what happened to Italy in 2002. Then, in case you had any doubts who bought the refs and for what reason, check what happened to Spain in the same
repulsive bbc,
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In the present case of the BBC idiots, I would have to know whether they show any signs of prejudice towards Italian people not connected with the World Cup. I know all kinds of people who are normally quite open-minded and tolerant, but become the most unapologetic bigots where a sporting event is concerned. So it may be that these particular Yahoos are bigoted against Italy but not against Italians: the place, not the race. Or, of course, you may be quite right. Occam’s Razor forces me to offer the Scottish verdict pending further evidence.
Of course, whatever motivates them, these announcers are cretins, and I agree with you entirely about shutting them up. Alas, people are seldom that stupid by nature: it takes years of training and dedication, which will not lightly be undone by such trivial things as obvious facts. We are still living in the Age of Postmodernism, in which all facts are optional, and it is appallingly difficult to get some people to acknowledge that events occurring before their eyes can trump their pet ideological theories. So no matter what happens in the Italy v. Germany match, I don’t hold out much hope for the cretins.
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